Chapter 30

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6th August 2014.

- 4:22pm -

An hour ago I came back from the sea, me, my brother, and 4 friends of us went on a floating banana behind a speedboat. IT WAS SO AWESOME OMYGOD. Like at first I was all like: "Ahh it's quite relaxing, and not really hard". Yeah.. 20 seconds later we were at top speed and the banana flew over the waves, up and down and it almost fell over. I screamed SO hard man wahaha. The first time I fell was when the banana flew over a little too high wave xD I saw all my friends falling in front of me and then I fell too. I laughed so hard, no one survived it and everyone laid in the sea xD. We climbed on it again and I fell only a few times more. It was SO incredible and SO much fun!!!

In the morning, we waved the guys goodbye. We chilled about 30 minutes before they left and it was ok. Im not extremely sad, its just a bit disappointing because I really love 'em.

Tomorrow is our last day in Spain alreadyy :(. But, The saturday we arrive Im going to give my horse some exercise and get her ready for camp. Next week Im going on a riding camp with her and she's done not too much in the weeks I wasnt there. I need to get her fit so we'll have to spend some time together haha :). No problem at all, I love her with every piece of my heart <3 She's my champion!

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