chapter 16

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14th July

- 10am -

I wake up and the first thing I think of is my foot. It doesn't hurt too much but I'm worried it will soon because I still have to get out the tent. Its warm in here so I don't really have another choice then just get out. So that's what I did. I couldn't stand on it, I couldn't walk and it hurted like hell. I got painkillers straight away but it didn't really help. Ugh..

- 12pm -

I needed to go to the toilet but yeah it took me pretty long bc cant walk properly.

- 1:21pm -

I'm now laying on a bed outside with my foot in the air because people said it was better this way. I don't know if its true because my foot sleeps the whole damn time because of it.

I just got some more painkillers because the pain only gets worse.

Expect my foot I'm feeling really great. Depression seems to be fading and I haven't had any struggle of wanting to cut :)

- 6:23pm - (already)

This day was really strange in time, I didn't looked at a clock the whole day and I'm surprised it is this 'late' already.

Yeah my foot still hurts but lets not brag about it the whole time.

That doesn't mean I'm not still pissed about it and especially that I cant swim for a week but ok. xd

My day went great but I'm really missing some people at twitter. I know one is really busy (the guy which is a very good friend of me) and the other guy I miss is the ex boyfriend of the girl who's friends with the boy who'a a very good friend of me. (Do you still get it? xD.

It's complicated.)

We really get on well and he's great. I just miss them a whole lot.

- 7pm -

We started talking a few ago (the 'ex' guy) and I know his situation is bad. I really wanna help him but I don't know how so its like I'm really bothering him. Fml. Why can't I ever have my shit together.

Oh and those girls who are staying next to us on the campsite are annoying as fuck. One is 15 and acts like a slut and the other is 12 and she's just the same, only a little less slutty. They just are here for their first time but we for the 5th time in row and they keep acting like they know everything and we don't.

They have a very big group of 'friends' (which I know one by one and I don't like any off them. They came her for very long also, that's why we know them but they are absolutely arses) And they said we could hangout with them also if we wanted to. C'mon I've known them for so long, if I liked them I would have been around them before these girls even cane here.

By the way, all they (the group) do is drink, smoke and do slutty things. Literally.

I don't have to be any part of that.

They REALLY annoy me. In alot of ways.

They are pussys, really. If their parents say don't do that, they won't. Even if they are fighting about who will do the dishes, one girl says: "oh fine. I will go." like hell no I wouldn't ever admit that to my brother? (she did to her sister but hey you get it right)

Also, I bet they have perfect lives, that their parents love them and that they never expierienced any crap in their lifes. Like: when my parents went away with the car, that girl said: "maybe they don't love you anymore" . She said that as a joke but she'll never know what she said was true. Not that I mind though. I don't love them anymore either.

But that's just exactely what I mean. She doesn't know fucking anything about life and that's what pisses me off.

She acts all innocent and perfect and smart, But she's too dumb to reconise I give her fake smiles the whole day through.

Sorry for this rant but I'm so done.

- 11:24pm -

My foot is so bad.

It hurts like hell, I can't walk, I can't even stand on it and the littlest touch hurts already..

I'm now laying in bed, trying not to move my foot so it won't hurt more than now. It does hurt now, because the wound is half under my foot so it lays on the bed now :/

I have to check it tomorrow anyway so if its wrong they can help me then. I hope its ok though!

Besides my foot I'm completely fine (: , and no I'm not lying. Not this time haha and not on here. But seriously its like all the bad feelimgs are turned off! It's great!

(This doesn't mean I do feel happy, Its between numb and not numb but not feeling emotions either)

I like it though, I feel better than I did in ages!

- 11:30pm -

Well I hope my painkillers work soon, I'm just gonna read some stuff now and then drift to sleep, goodnightttt :)

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