Chapter 43

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3 September 2014.

Okay so you all know my parents used to hit me right?

It's kinda over now and someone at school helped me with that. She talked to my parents and it scared them so they kinda stopped. Well I always thought about thanking her with my best friend, she helped him too. I graduated once now but I'm still at the same school, doing a higher level. (Sorry dutch schools are so complicated) I still haven't thanked her so I'm really thinking whether I should still do it or just let it go and live on.

I guess letting go is an option now too, it sounds good to me. Just forgetting it. Just living on. Well 'living' but you know what I mean. It really has been a horrible time for me.

That was random but I guess I just wanted to tell you.

I just watched The Fast and the Furious and it wont ever bore me!! Never forget Paul Walker either! ♡

My parents just got home from some Teacher - Parent talk from school, turns out they want me to leave my phone downstairs when I go to sleep. No. Way. In. Hell. So Im in a fight right now. Im furious and my parents aren't any less.. Gonna be a long night. Well f.uck them.

Its 12:22 am so goodnight x.

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