All Is Reveal

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Gulf who was angry yet puzzled at what had unfolded in front of him makes him losing his mind as he looks like he was about to go crazy but before he does that he quickly pointed his gun towards A-Wut wanting to end and take his revenge first then take out the rest of them if he can.

But before he could do anything Pete scream loudly;


"He's your biological uncle, so please Gulf"

With a sudden confession from Pete, Gulf looked at the three of them in disbelief as he blinked his eyes a couple of times then change back to his angry expression.

"Don't fucking lie Pete! You are with them of course you'll lie" said Gulf.

"I'm not lying Gulf, please listen to me"

"You betray me, you out of anyone, someone who I know for almost 6 years and yet you betray me at this moment. You know my plan, my pain and all yet you still betray me?!" asked Gulf angrily as he shoots at Pete's left arm.

The moment Pete being shot by Gulf, A-Wut run over towards him scream, "Why the fuck you shoot him!" as he rips a part of his clothes to wrap his wounds.

"It's just a graze wound and that's because Pete betrays my trust, you out of all Pete. The one I put my full trust on and you betray me"

"That's because Gulf, I know you well yet I still help you in execute your plan even if I know your ultimate motive is to kill my father," said Pete as he looks at Gulf in a painful expression.

"Yo-your father? A-Wut is your father?" asked Gulf shockingly then he quickly points his gun towards them again.

"Yes Gulf, A-Wut Seatang is my father, he is also your father's little brother, your biological uncle. The reason why he doesn't want to legalise his own company is that he wanted to cleanse the illegal company first then he will turn his company in and also himself. That is his promise to your father before and at the wake"

"Lie. ALL LIES!" scream Gulf as his eyes turn watery while looking at them as he continues, "He was at the crime scene! There's a picture of him at the crime scene! He shoot my parents. He did that and never get caught!" said Gulf in a loud voice as he angrily yet in tears.

"It was a set-up, I was there with them, I drive them to the tea shop but as I turned to drove away that's when I heard three shots so I quickly run over to them. As I run inside the private room, there's a shutter sound and that when the picture you saw is being taken but before I could run and catch the person who takes the picture, he flees like a ghost and that's when I flee too. Since then, I promise my brother, sister-in-law and my best friend that I will never legalise my company until I banish every illegal company there is in Thailand and at the same time, I want to capture the one who kills my family" explain A-Wut as he looks at Gulf, who gritted his teeth as his tears fully dry but occasionally glance at the doctor who Gulf unconsciously held him captive as he was busy cleaning Pete's wound.

"If you haven't notice Gulf, why is it so hard for you to track me down and why are the men that accompany me tonight look buffed and huge while it's just the 10 of us? That's because they are police officers and I'm under 24/7 surveillance for witness protection. No one knows who you are to me except for them" said A-Wut as he pointed at the rest of them.

As he adds, "And after this, everyone in the department no the whole Police department will know who you are and what is our relationship which includes my son here"

"That's when my father, decided to send me off to you. Help you out and take care of you fully know that you think of him as the enemy" said Pete.

"Yet you report back everything to him," said Gulf in disgust at Pete, who automatically hangs his head low.

"I have to Gulf. I don't want to lose either one of you. You are my precious cousin and he is my precious father. I want to keep you both safe. You two are the only living family that I have" said Pete as he looks at Gulf trying to make him understand.

"Wait! Since when uncle has a son? Why I don't know this? Like never in my life knew of this" asked Mew as he pointed at Pete.

"That's because Pete never lives with me. His mother decided to left me once she knows that she is pregnant with our child. Which I am forever grateful to her till now. She wants our son to live somewhere peaceful and definitely out from the gang's grasp so that's why no one knows who is he" said A-Wut as he looks at his son in a loving yet sad manner.

"That's totally fine pho. That's why Gulf, I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you right away or the reasons on this not until its the right time" said Pete feeling hopeless as he looks at Gulf who was furious.

"And the fucking right time is now! You could have told me everything and this shit will not happen at all. I even shot your ass, Pete. You stupid, stupid man, luckily it's just a graze wound" said Gulf as he lowers his gun down.

"I know you will never kill me, you will just inflict pain but never ever kill me. I know you cousin, inside and out" said Pete as he smiles softly at Gulf who look at him with a regretful expression.

Gulf then takes a few steps forward towards Pete but halted as he heard a soft sudden shuffle on his right side.

In which he quickly turn and pointed his gun at the dark side of the room as he asked, "Who's there!"

Instantly, everyone was on their high alert as they look in the same direction as Gulf who was still training his gun pointing at the shadow.

Gulf's alert heighten as the shadow slowly move slightly towards the wall trying his hardest to hide but the moment he did that Gulf quickly fire a single shot that hit its thigh directly which makes him fall down on the ground with a thud.

Without wasting their time, the men flash their lights at the side of the room and saw a man who was dressed in all black holding onto his thigh while gritted his teeth trying to held his voice in but before anyone could do anything, he quickly pointed his gun at Gulf then shoot directly at him.

It was like a slow-motion film where Gulf's body slightly staggered backwards as he looked at the man who laughs like a maniac at his action but his laughter turn to a shocked expression as Gulf shoot him right on his forehead before he fully drops down on the floor.

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