Chapter 06

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"My beautiful, ugly little sister." Lucius said while carrying a unicorn float and with a baby on his hip.

Isabella and Lucius were both wearing sunglasses and right now they look pretty badass. Lucius feels pretty badass and he's pretty sure that Isabella would also be feeling pretty badass if she just stops removing the glasses for just one damn minute.

But, Isabella's persistent. The baby wouldn't be his sister if she wasn't. The baby wouldn't be his sister if she can't stop trying to eat his hair for just a damn second! Isabella may look badass with her glasses, her adorable bathing suit, her little bucket and her cool swim diapers, but to Lucius, she was being a plain ass.

"I know you don't like baths but I hope that you like the pool. And unicorns. Pool and unicorns. Yeah." He said awkwardly as he stood in front of their said pool. Lucius sniffed the air and sighed in contentment. "Do you smell that? It's the smell of freedom. I know that you like —Augh, what's the point of trying to convince you? I know you'll hate the pool because you hate me!"

He looks at Isabella and she was making drool bubbles, causing him to cringe. "Why did they make me babysit you? You hate me! I—Ow! Ow! Fuck! Bella, I swear, if you try to reach my hair again, I will put you in time out! I— Ow! Mierda! ¡Te ordeno que te detengas ahora mismo, jovencita!"

(Shit. I order you to stop right now, young lady!)

"Ngehahwa wawa." Isabella babbled, moving forward to grab Lucius' sunglasses but the man was already ready for it and dodged Isabella's action.

If Lucius didn't know any better, he would probably think that Isabella was pouting at him.

Lucius raised a questioning brow at her. "Why are you looking at me like I already killed your unicorn float? Stop looking at me like that." He looks at the said unicorn float in disgust. "I mean sure, it's ugly and I'd rather drown than use this float if I were you but Elois only bought one float. Yes, yes, I know, right? The float is as ugly as him."

"Angaaa!" She screeched, jumping up and down while patting his cheek repeatedly.

Lucius nodded, humming in response. "You're right, Bella. We should definitely kill this unicorn. It's fucking hideous." He knows that if Anthony were to hear him, the eldest would probably drown him and abandon him there.

But he's Tony, he knows everything about everyone.

Lucius would just think about his consequences later. He looks at his little sister with a smirk. "But not after we take a little dip in that pool, Isabella."

She cooed and babbled nonsensically again, looking at the pool then at him. There was a small look of panic in her eyes, causing him to chuckle evilly. "Oh, we're gonna get in that pool."

Lucius went towards the steps of the pool and the first couple of steps into the delightful cold water and it felt so fucking good.

He kept going until he was knee deep in it. Lucius moaned in satisfaction, letting the cool water embrace his hot skin for a moment.

"Mi hermana pequeña, I'm so sorry that you hate water, really, I am so sorry. I pity you truly. But, if you seriously hate this, I think that I might have to hate you forever because this feels amazing, Bella." He muttered, causing Isabella to whine already.

(My little sister.)

"Okay, you little menace. Calm down, okay?" He said softly, swinging Isabella off his hip and lowering her down to the floatie, aiming to put her cute little feet through the leg holes.

As soon as Isabella touched the water, she seemed to realize that she was surrounded by the thing she hates most. Water.

And Lucius!

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