Chapter 58

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"Anthony." Isabella whispered, her voice shaky and her heart thundering against her chest. Isabella's hands were shaking and she didn't know what to do.

What could she do?

What could I do? Please. Please, don't take him away from me. Not today. Not now.

"Anthony?" Isabella whispered, more broken than before.

She moved forward. One foot after the other. She felt as though she was drowning. She couldn't hear herself, she couldn't hear everything around her. The only thing she could hear were the ringing in her ears and the faint beat of her heart.

Tears blurred her vision as she moved forward again. "Anthony?" She asked hesitantly as she gently kneeled down to look at him.

She couldn't find it in her to feel brave. When had she? All she did was hide away in her own little room, away from the world when she could be doing something.

She should have done something.

Something that could have prevented Anthony from bleeding out to death like this.

He was bleeding so badly. His clothes were soaking in his own pool of blood. His eyes were slowly drooping and she could see that he was struggling to stay awake. He was trying to stay awake, to find some strength in him to get away from death.

But, Isabella could see that death is already welcoming Anthony into its home, letting him settle and say goodbye to his physical body. Death was providing him some time to say what he wants to say and do what he has to do before he goes forever.

Isabella could see death like a welcoming old friend and it's welcoming Anthony slowly.

"Mi cielo. My Bella." Anthony smiled tiredly and she took a shuddering breath before looking at him desperately.

"W-What-" She wiped her eyes aggressively before starting to stand up, "I'll call someone. J-Just put some pressure on your-"

She couldn't accept Anthony standing on death's door. She can't. She'll go crazy if Anthony leaves. He's everyone's anchor, everyone's conscience. He's the light in everyone's life, the level-headed brother and the best out of the siblings. Anthony was so young. He had so much to live for. He didn't deserve this.

Isabella realized that she should have been the one in her brother's shoes. Not him. He was far more important than her. He was far more needed than her. He didn't deserve death. He didn't deserve dying so young. Isabella should have been the one dead. She should have just died the moment she entered this family.

She should have been the one who got shot. She should have been the one knocking on death's door. Not her brother. Not Anthony. Anyone but her family.

Anthony grabbed her wrist weakly, causing her to look at him in panic. "What are you doing?" She asked helplessly before turning to look at Nicolai who stood there, watching her in desperation.

Nicolai, who was once her friend, her best friend. Her only friend. Isabella couldn't even look at his eyes without another fresh tears rushing towards her eyes and falling down her cheeks.

"Don't..." Anthony rasped out before looking at Nicolai. He was trying to breathe. He was trying. So desperately.

In and out, he tried but she saw how tired it was making him. How breathing was suddenly becoming a chore for him.

He shouldn't die. He can't. "Shh, Anthony. Sh, sh, sh. I'm here. I'm right here. Don't... Don't speak. Just save your strength. Save your strength, please." Isabella sobbed, broken and horrified, trying to put pressure on his wound-there was so much blood oozing out of him- before turning back to Nicolai.

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