I want to know

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Two days later

"Can you really make a cure for this plague? *coughs*"

"Now now mr Kay. Don't work yourself too much" Jane said

"She is right. You seem to have caught the plague for some time already" Professor commented

Kay was sick for over a week and Gerda's been looking over him ever since.

"Who is that man?" Gerda asked her eyes directed at Tarzan to which Kristoff responds "That is Tarzan, that man who climbed over the wall not so long ago"

Hamila was quite suspicious of the man, espeially the one who walk on his fours like a deer

"Kristoff. Can I ask who are these people? Her majesty did say they were 'special guests'..." Mattias said as Hamila continued "She didn't go into details though"

"Well... you might be surprised" Kristoff said with a smile

Late Night

Professor did some amount of cure for the sick in the castle first before going doing some for the citizens which would take some time. But the guards and servants were a good start.

Kai came first as he took a sample of the cure, he was now taking a rest

The others were taking it too. They took enough ingredients so they should be able to minimize the cure enough for everyone

It's been getting late however as all went back home, Professor and Jane as well slept inside one of the many rooms of Arendelle Castle

They sure worked up with Tarzan being very attractive and some even were unsettled much to Jane's dismay

As the two siblings left Kristoff and the others for some talk, he was walking on his fours which she was getting used to.

"You don't walk on two legs very much are you?"

"This feels normal to me. I can walk on two if it helps"

"No no. Just give me time and it'll be normal for me too"

Tarzan hen stops to check one of the knight armors they had in halls... and then he rips off it's arm...

Anna giggled at that "Oops, don't worry. Happened to me too sometimes..."

While she did seem to joke around, her tone was however betraying her which Tarzan noticed.

"You seem pretty sad Anna"

"It's just... I can't help but feel like this is my fault that we are in this state of lockdown."

"Anna things like this happen. You can't blame yourself for..."

"I am queen of Arendelle. I have to protect my people, even from themselves if necessary-"

Anna then felt some rumble in her stomach which was painful. It's been happening fr a while already. She put her hand on her belly, Tarzan seemed to worry.


"Don't worry I'm fine"

And as she said that they stumbled upon many portraits.

On one of them there were their parents after battle of Alma meeting one of commanders leading ghe famed Coldstream guards during the crucial uphill battle, at the secured outpost post-russian withdrawal from Sevastopol in 1854.

"Here they are."

Those were portrets of their family together. Two to be exact, one was of the sisters with their parents. They were a bit different back

Anna's familyWhere stories live. Discover now