Make it out

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Meanwhile In Arendelle Castle

Hans Westergard looked out the window prodly overlooking the weathering and his new found kingdom outside

"Still gloating on a silver plate little brother?"

Hans : My name is King Hans of Arendelle, and I'd mind my tone if I were you

"Sorry your majesty, ruined the mood?" he said trying to irritate him but Hans didn't react aggressively

"Nah you can take it...remember the time we pretended he didn't exist for three years? Hahaha"

The two man laughed at him but he smiles instead to their face

"AH that 'game' you and Caleb played on me. What a waste of words from someone who achieved nothing yet to someone who has already done so"

The man only scowled at that

The ones he was speaking with were two of his 13 brothers Sideburns and Patchy Stabbingtons

Sideburns : Care to repeat that?

Hans 'Seems like he only grew more grumpy over the years'

"You should be glad that I need all the extra muscle in this war"

Sideburns : Huh war...against who? Don't you see that this kingdom is down? Or are you really scared of that magic forest so much?

Hans : For as much power as I have, elsa and her spirits are dangerous. They have allies too, not all the kingdoms are aligned with our kingdom of Snoob, Vassar and even Corona which you are quite familiar with.

The brothers looked up at him at hearing the name of the kingdom, which brought back memories of the traitorous Flinn Ryder, his golden haired princess of Corona and even that daughter of elite guard captain that they encountered numorous times before

Hans : Be honoured, it would seem that we may get from this than we thought initially.

The commander and his men came into the room after that


Hans : King Hans, if you please

The brothers looked annoyed

"...What should we do now?"

Hans : It's very simple. I have three things for you...

He stretches out his hand with three fingers out, one down... "First, set up camps around the arendelle castle..."

...Second down..."Then, build a bridge from here to the forest..."

The commander calls out "BUT IN THIS WEATHER...

Patchy looked at him threateningly

"...It will be done"

And Third one left "And finally find Elsa"

Commander's men laughed "Sire, she is in the prison heh-"

Hans corrected them "Was...Find that escapee Snow Queen and if you encounter ought to put an end to her life"

Commander understood "I will send every free soldier in search of her, your highness"

The soldiers left afterwards

Sideburns : What should we do with that lady and the annoyances?

Hans :You mean Gretchen and Ichabod family? For now they are our allies as long as they are useful for us to paint Arendelle family as incompetent at ruling here. After all if it'll play out as if they are innocent and we are the aggressors, that may cause some trouble.

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