Calm before storm

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Tarzan in Ahtohallan

Your voice carries out into space. Colored insignias of the elements glow above now like stars. As cold as the cosmos that they are roaming in but Tarzan wouldn't fall to mere cold after coming all the way here

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


"I'm here. I heard your voice. So I came. I came here for help...and for answers"

Nothing again

"I know that you're here! Show yourself!"

For a moment he thought that he wasted his time and that there was nothing here like there was several minutes ago.

"They said you were here, they said she was here..."

"You are?..."

His world stills. Everything feels hot. He turns his head on a rusty neck.

"She would say it's about past your bedtime"

He turns around slowly.

Iduna stands behind him in that purple dress he seen, her reddish brown yet also dark hair up in her signature braid, in a crown-twist bun.

Before she was a vision, a reflection in ice, but now she stands before him.

She steps forward to you, looking both at you and into your eyes

It's his mother, his human mother...

Kala will always be his mother... and meeting Iduna now felt the same way as when Kala found him at that treehouse so long ago

She has the same eyes... Her beautiful, nurturing eyes.

Her face and eyes resemble Anna's though her face was thinner

Her greenish blue eyes looked into him as if confused

It's like she's struggling to remember him...

Next her hands covered her mouth and she can't stop the tears.

She placed one of her hands at his face, gently sliding down his cheek

"You were so small when I had you before I..."

Her eyes were teary

"I couldn't believe it at first... but I can't tell you how glad I am to see you"

He stretches out his arms and she embraces him.

He came looking for her, but it feels like she found him too

She's warm, so warm. Her hands rub circles into his back as she stains his shoulder with tears.

Her cries carry all throughout the tunnels of the glacier.

"I'm here now" he says.

She could remember his small ody that she cuddled

His eyes as lively as a tree...

His soft hair that she caressed

...and his tears as she laid there helpless and dying, unable to do anything...

"I thought I lost you..."

Tarzan places his hand on the back of her head "I am here... It's alright now..."

He then looks at her again as he wipes a tear from your cheek

"So it was really you. Your voice that I followed all the way here"

Iduna - You did. Just like your sister, I can't tell how proud I am of you.

"But I don't understand... H-How are you here? Are you the one with answers?"

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