chapter 27

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"if granger doesn't stop giving me death stars i am going to murder her," i said to marlena. She looked up at me from the sofa she was reading on across from mine.

She laughed and stood up, walking to the bookshelf on the other side of the common room. "i'm sure it'll be fine, no need to murder anyone."

i rolled my eyes before i heard someone open the door. i looked over and saw aurora almost running towards us. "i knew it! you are a death eater aren't you!" she shouted at me, causing everyone else in the common room to look at us.

"i am not you filthy liar," i shouted back standing up. She looked me up and down for a minute. "Prove it!" she shouted.

i stared at her for a moment before pulling my left sleeve up, to reveal my wrist which had no mark before quickly leaving.

i walk through the castle and end up on the astronomy tower. i lay in the middle and look up at the clear sky. i hear foot steps from the stairs and i sit up to see who it is. "Nikki?" i asked slightly confused when i saw him.

"london?" he replied, in the same tone of voice. i rolled my eyes, irritated already at him mocking me.

"what are you doing here? you stopped talking to me," i said as i lied back down, nikki lying down next to me at the same time.

i could tell he turned his head to look at me but i just still stared at the sky. "it wasn't a very nice thing of me to do." he started slowly. "aurora and lukas told me you were dangerous, a death eater, a malfoy, and i had to choose either you or them."

"wow such a great start," i remarked with an eye roll. I got up to leave but he grabbed my hand. "im sorry, i miss you," he said.

i paused for a moment, not sure of what to do. He stood up and hugged me, i wasn't sure what to do so i just placed my head on his chest and let him.
i sat with draco and potter next to the great lake. they were having their own conversation while i tossed rocks into the water. "maybe we should break up," i heard potter suggest.

i quickly turned around and slapped him. "you two are not breaking up."

they both started laughing and i realized they were just messing with me. "what are you thinking about?" draco asked, taking the rock out of mt hand.

"dad," i mumbled, played with a leaf on the ground.

he looked at me, not saying anything, and i could tell potter was also giving me a pity look. I got up and walked away, not interested in what they might say next. i walked towards the castle, only to see aurora stood and the grand oak doors. I tried to push past her but she grabbed my arm. "malfoy, how are you not a death eater!" she exclaimed, not letting me walk past her.

i looked at her for a moment before pulling my rent out of my pocket. "stupefy!" i said, pointing my wand at her. she flew back and i kept walking, trying to get to my dorm. I turned onto a less used corridor and heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around to see aurora a few feet away from me. she raised her wand and pointed it at me. "sectumsempra!" she shouted.

i watched the green light fly towards me, and screamed in pain as soon as it hit me, feeling as though i was just lit on fire. i looked up to see her walking past me. "im sorry," she muttered as she stepped over me.

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