Chapter 31

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As i opened my eyes, i realized just how bright the sunlight was that was streaming into my bedroom. I felt a sharp pain in my head and i covered my eyes with my hand. Once my eyes finally adjusted i sat up.

River was asleep on my couch.

I stared at him for a moment. I was relieved to see i was still in my fairy costume, and that he must have brought me here. The last think i remember from last night was running to the common room to find him so we must have spent some time together.

But now i needed to focus on the cabinet.

"River, why are you on my sofa?" I asked, not moving from my position on the end.

He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment. "You asked me to stay last night and i didn't want to sleep on the floor," He explained, sitting up and pulling his blanket onto his lap.

I stared at him blankly. "Oh, Thank you," I was glad that he didn't even consider my bed as an option. I reached over to check the watch i had sat at my bedside table. It was almost one in the afternoon. "We missed breakfast."

He seemed shocked. "Are you sure it can't be that late," He started before checking his own watch. "I must have lost track of the time."

"You were drunk too right, i wasn't making a fool out of myself?" I asked cautiously.

He let out a light laugh. "Yes i was, don't worry, but i did really enjoy hearing you sing your favorite 'Pixies' song."

I looked at the band poster on my wall before burying my head in my hands. "Tell anyone and i'll kill you."

He put his arms ups defensively and smiled. "Cross my heart i won't."

I smiled at him and stood up. Walking over to my wardrobe to grab some clothes. "You can leave now," I said looking over at him, only to see he was staring at me.

"Or you and i could spend the whole day together."

I felt me heart drop and i was filed with guilt. I want to, but i need to work on the cabinet. However, the cabinet isn't even my responsibility to work on, im not the one who needs to kill Dumbledore. It's Draco. "As much as i would love to, i need to speak with my brother," I said as i walked towards the bathroom. I changed quickly into a black skirt and navy jumper before walking back out.

"What if i wait here for you, or, i'll wait for you somewhere else," He suggested with a smile.

"Um, it's not going to be a fast conversation," I said, my face dropping. "I'll come find you when it's done. But don't hold me too that, because i may not have time."

He nodded and we walked down to the common room together. I ran down to the dungeon and pushed past people and towards Draco's door. I pulled out my wand and casted a silent "alohomora" and pushed my way in.

I saw Draco fast asleep with Harry curled up right next to him. Of course Harry was here. Why wouldn't Harry want to hear about how Draco is on track to get not only my family, but Harry killed as well. I slammed the door shut so that they would both wake up. They both jumped out of bed and looked at me, "Potter, out," I said pointing at the door.

He nodded quickly and pulled his invisibility cloak on, running out of the dorm. "Look, Saturn, I know you are going to ask me about the cabinet, and honestly, i haven't fixed the cabinet." He started, slowly walking towards me.

"I know that!" I shouted at him. "You know? Because i've been working on it! Every day! The full week you spent on it before giving up was pathetic compared to the work im doing! I can't think about anything that's not the cabinet or how on earth you will manage to kill Dumbledore."

I had balled my hands into fists and i coukd feel the warmth of anger building up in my chest. "I have a plan," He said, "Please just sit down and listen to my plan."

I nodded and sat down on the couch.
An hour later i had returned to his dorm with one of my necklaces. It was the ugliest one i could find. I wasn't going to curse a nice necklace to kill Dumbledore with.

I sat hunched over it with Draco watching closely over my shoulder for a few minutes. "Okay so when you imperio them, you need to give them specific instructions to not, under any circumstances, touch the necklace, tell them only Dumbledore can touch it." He nodded quickly, "No one will see you do it if you go to the corridor where the toilets are in the Three Broom Sticks. I'll be by the lake, come find me as soon as they get it to him."

He nods again and puts the box into his pocket and we leave his dorm together. I stand at the castle entrance and watch as draco walks towards Hogsmead.

I start to walk towards the lake, completely consumed in my own thoughts of whether or not this was going to work. If we would have to spend more time working on the vanishing cabinet.

What we would tell the dark lord.

As i got closer to the lake i heard someone shouting my name from behind. I turned around to see River sprinting towards me. I sighed and stopped, he was the last person i wanted to see right now as i didn't want to explain this to him, but i couldn't help but want his company. He smiled at me as he caught up with me and we walked towards the lake together.

"Hey you look cold, take my jumper," He said as he pulled his coat off so he was able to take off his light grey jumper. He handed it over and nudged me a bit to take it, i stared at it blankly. "Take it, i don't want you to freeze to death."

As he said that i remembered i forgot to put on my coat, so i took the jumper and pulled it over my head. "Thanks," I said as i sat down on a tree stump. He was a bit taller then me so the jumper was too big on me but i wasn't too fussed, i was warm.

"It's okay if your not in the mood to talk, based on how long you were with your brother for i can't imagine it was an amazing conversation, but i figured you would enjoy some company." He said smiling at me. "We only have a bit longer left at school before we go home for Christmas, that is if your leaving at least. I am, i'm going home, I live just outside of London with my parents. Oh and my dogs, my sister stays with us sometimes but i don't think she is this year."

He looked over at me for reassurance but my face showed no emotion. "I'm not sure what i'm doing," I said looking away. "I know Draco is staying at Hogwarts, but i think i'll go home."

He nodded and for the next hour, we sat in a comfortable silence, looking over the lake. It was only when we heard someone shouted "Katie Bell us been cursed!" That we jumped up.

I immediately felt my stomach drop, realizing that she must've touched the necklace on accident. "I'll see you later I need to find Draco," I said to River before running off to try and find my brother.

I pushed past other students as i made my way to the Hogsmead entrance. "Saturn!" I heard Draco shout from behind me. I turned around and saw him, and before i knew it, i was running towards him and hugging him. "It's okay it's okay," He whispered. I nodded, struggling to believe him. I pulled away and we walked back to the castle. We quickened our pace once we got inside the castle and we hurried down to the dungeons to get to Draco's dorm.

"I did exactly what you told me to!" Draco said as soon as i shut the door.

"It's okay it's not your fault i'm not sure why she touched it," I said sitting down on the couch. "We have to go back to working on the cabinet."

He nodded. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Draco walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder, i looked up to see him holding a letter. "Father sent this to me yesterday, Dark lord wants to see us. I didn't tell you earlier so you wouldn't freak out and i was hoping that we would be able to report back to him and say we killed Dumbledore but we can't. We go tomorrow."


He wants to see us.

Me and Draco.

And i have a feeling he isn't going to be as nice as he normally is.

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