chapter 29

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I turn around and look at harry. "Potter it's okay I know your not dating Ginny," I saw as i meet his eye.

He looked down at the floor and bit his cheek. "That's not what i wanted to talk to you about." I raised an eyebrow. "Draco hasn't been talking to me. I know it's my fault but i don't know how to make it better."

He looked so guilty and upset. I wanted to help, but at the same time, that would need me to be nice. "What did you do?" I asked cautiously.

"Well," He started. "When you had first locked yourself in your room, Draco and I went for lunch by the lake. However, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione had followed us down there. When we sat down Ginny came running over and pushed draco over and punched him. She then shouted 'don't you touch my boyfriend' while he lay on the floor. After that he ran away and hasn't talked to me since." I stared at him blankly for a moment, struggling to process what he said.

"Let's talk about this when it's not two in the morning," I replied, turning around and walking towards the common room. I heard him call out "Saturn," and follow me.

"I really love draco and i just want to make it right, I really need your help!" He shouted. I stopped and turned around, seeing tears start to well up in his eyes.

"Look, Potter, you have to come out to your friends, and you have to tell them about draco. It's not fair on him. I'm willing to bet he's still awake so we can go now." I said walking past him and towards the dungeons. Harry didn't say anything but followed behind quickly.

As I entered the common room i saw Blaise and Draco sat by the fire. "Saturn!" Draco exclaimed as he ran over to hug me. I hugged him back while saying, "I've got someone here who needs to talk to you."

I opened the door to show harry, draco stared at him for a minute before walking out, leaving Blaise and i in the common room. I walk towards the fire and sit where draco was sat previously. I laughed and looked over at Harry "that went really well didnt it!" He gave me a blank stare for a minute. "Go on run after him will you?" I asked him pointing in the direction of his dorm, sending Harry running after.

As I walked back to the common I struggled to remember the reason I left my dorm in the first place. Maybe it was to go see how poorly Draco was doing with his mission, hoping he will have done something. This could get him killed and force me into an even more difficult spot. I answered the riddle and stepped into the common room. It was dark but there were a still embers left in the fire place. As i walked over to an armchair i noticed a faint light behind a book shelf. I walked around to See Nikki sprawled out on the floor, writing an essay. I cleared my throat, causing him to jump up, once he realized it was me he let out a sigh on relief.

"Oh it's just you," he mumbled as he gathered his stuff. Just me? "Sorry I'm waiting for someone." He continued.

I raised an eyebrow before I decided to push for an answer."Who are you waiting for?" He bit his lip and looked down and his parchment. It wasn't an essay he was writing it was a poem. A sonnet actually, with Auroras name written in it. I felt the familiar feeling of my stomach dropping. My eyes started to sting as i felt tears start to gather and in that moment the only thing i was able to do was run away. I bounded up the stairs to my room, missing every other step as i went. As I threw open the door to my dorm I couldn't help but not understand why i didn't expect this. Why i didn't see it coming. It all just makes a bit too much sense for him to do this.


I laid in my bed as I listening to the rhythmic banging on my door. It was well into the afternoon now and even though i've been to all my lessons, i know no one's seen me. "Malfoy I need to talk to you!" I heard a deep voice say. I didn't recognize it so i walked over to the door to see who it was. As i opened the door i recognized him but wasn't able to put a name to the face. He was tall, had curly brown hair and blue eyes. He was in my transfiguration earlier today. "Hey, i'm River, we have transfiguration together." He started, I nodded and he continued. "can i borrow your notes from todays lesson?"

I looked him up and down for a moment. "I wasn't in todays lesson today ask someone else." I said while shutting the door. River quickly grabbed the door and opened it up, holding it open with a smirk.

"I know that's a lie, i saw you sat in the back." He stated holding the door open.

"Well if you were in the lesson why would you ask me for the notes?" I grinned while adjusting my jumper, which was slowly falling off my shoulder. "I'll see you later River."

This time i was able to shut the door successfully, and I couldn't help but let a smile creep across my lips.
"Draco slow down what do you mean you can't fix the vanishing cabinet? It's only been two months i'm sure you weren't supposed to have it done by now!" I said as i watched Draco pace around my room. "It's halloween! go to a party and we can talk about this tomorrow i promise!"

Draco gave me a weak look and nodded before leaving the room. It's been a three days since i saw Nikki waiting for aurora and in those three days they have started dating. If you ask me, i think three days is way too soon to start dating someone, but maybe they have had a thing for a while now and have only just made it official. Perhaps he just felt bad for me and that's why he was leading me on. Or at least that's what i have been saying to Marlena to make myself feel better.

I sat at my vanity and brushed my hair. Was i not pretty enough for him? Or possibly i was too pretty. Maybe he got a scared of the fact i'm a malfoy, or thought i was too good for him. A million different thoughts raced through my head as i stared blankly at myself in the mirror.

I heard my door open and i turned slightly to see Marlena walking in, with someone close behind her. I stood up to see who it was and Aurora was stood in my doorway wirh nikki close behind.

I felt a warm sensation of anger build in my chest as marlena gave me a look of pity. In that moment, the only thing that made sense was for me to pull out my wand, and shout "stupefy" at her.

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