Chapter 36

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It had been a week since i agreed to be a spy. River didn't like the idea, not a bit. I walked into my dorm to see him staring at a blank spot on the wall. "This coukd get you killed!" He said angrily when he realized i had walked in.

"Not being a spy coukd get me killed as well! How many options do i have?" I asked him as i got closer.

"I don't know! I'm so worried about you! You walk around like everything's fine and you walk like everything's fine but your in so much danger," he nearly shouted.

"I didn't choose to be in constant danger! Believe i don't like it one bit! But what choice do i have, if i'm not in this danger then my family will die," I got closer to him, so there was only a few inches between us. "I know that you aren't involved in this war, but i am, i have no choice. To stay alive i have to be involved. I am covered in scars from being attacked by other students, fucking Aurora nearly killed me, Marlena's turned on me, my best friends are my boyfriend, my brother, and my brothers boyfriend. I don't need you telling me what to do."

"Well i didn't know that i was going to be dating a death eater!"

"Out! Now! I shouted pointing at the door, causing it to fly opened. He scratched the back of his neck and walked out of the room slowly.

"Forgot you knew wandless magic," he muttered as he left.

I stood in the middle of my room for a minute, staring at the floor before walking over to my bed and laying down. After a long night of staring at rhe ceiling i debated going to the lessons i had that day. However, once breakfast finished i decided i would, as it was only first and second period i had, and i got ready quickly doing my hair and makeup with a charm, and almost running down the potions.

I sat down next to Draco for the first time in a while and looked up to Marlena pointing at me. "When where you going to tell me we aren't friends with her anymore." Draco asked as i pulled out my ink and quills.

"Well, you seem to have figured it out just fine on your own," I muttered back quickly.

It was almost the end of the lesson when i felt paper hit the back of my head when Slughorn wasn't looking. I bent down and picked up the crumpled paper, unfolding it to see a message in Marlena's handwriting.

So you and lover boy broke up?

That was all it said. We didn't break up, or at least i don't think we didn't. Draco saw the message too and gave me a confused look.

I grabbed my things and walked out of the class, Slughorn calling "Malfoy what are you doing," as i walked out.

I walked the halls slowly, unsure of where i was going or what my plan was. "Hey Saturn," I heard Harry shouting to me from behind.

"Oh, hey Potter," I said turning around to face him.

"Are you alright?" He asked stopping close to me.

"Fine," I snapped back.

He looked me up and down and nodded. "Could you do me a favor and tell Draco that the rumors about me and Ginny are fake. They are going around again because she found our Draco's a death eater and is now convinced she needs to save me." I went to ask him why he won't do it himself but he quickly started speaking again, "I'm sorry for making you do this but ron and hermione won't stop fighting. Ron's dating Lavender but hermione likes ron and roms confused and."

I put a hand out on his shoulder. "I'll let him know. You should see him though, might help him out. I mean can't be to enjoyable to have Ginny all over you and a stupid jealous boyfriend who wants to murder anyone who looks at you."

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