chapter 34

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The days dragged by one by one, and within a few weeks, i was sat in a train carriage, saying goodbye to river as we pulled into Kings Cross station. Once i finally pulled away from the hug i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off the train. I went to the corner of the platform and apparated back to malfoy manor.

I levitated my trunks behind me as i opened the door and walked into the house. I was expecting my mother to be waiting for me but she wasn't there. "Mum! I'm home!" I shouted, waiting for her response but i was met with nothing. I placed my trunks down and started walking into all the rooms.

It wasn't until i was stood outside the dining room that i heard voices. I opened the door to see my mother, voldermort, and my father sat at the end. I felt my face lit up when i saw my dad as i ran over to him, ignoring the presence of the dark lord, and hugged him. "Dad i cant believe your out," I cried into his shoulder.

"I had no way of telling you, it's too risky to send a letter, so i figured you woukd have to wait until you came home." He paused and looked around, "Where's Draco?"

Voldermort smiled, "I presume he stayed at Hogwarts to work on his mission." I nodded quickly in response.

"Draco's got a mission?" My dad asked, i was slightly unnerved as i coukd tell he was excited about Draco being accepted by the dark lord.

"Why yes he did, however, your daughter over here nearly took over it. Good thing she came back so she could leave Draco to it. I'm proud to say you have raised such a loyal supporter," Voldemort mused.

My dad placed a hand on my shoulder and i forced a smile. "Yeah he said that it was best for him to stay when there wasn't many people around. It's easier for him to spend more time working on it when there's no one to raise suspicion on his whereabouts." I knew i was lying, i don't know why he stayed. I don't care. We haven't spoken since our argument the last time i say voldemort.

"Well it's best if i get going," Voldemort said as he stood up, apparating away, the crack feeling louder in the silent room.

I turned to my mum and hugged her. "I've got a boyfriend," I whispered in her ear, causing her to smile. I pulled away and nodded at my father. "I'm going to bring my trunk to my room and unpack."

I nearly ran out of the room and to my bedroom, where i found an owl sitting at the window. I couldn't help but smile, River already sent me a letter.
Three days after christmas I sat at my desk, wrapping Rivers christmas gift to send to him, when i heard a tapping at the window. I turned around to see an owl i didn't recognize holding a letter.

I walked over and let them in, taking the letter from it and giving it a few pellets before it flew off. There was so name and it was folded in half. I opened it and started reading the letter.

To Saturn,
Marlena and aurora are working with the order. You are in danger. They are saying your a death eater and voldemorts most loyal supporter. They won't listen to me or ron or hermione. You need to leave the manor and get somewhere safe.

I dropped the letter and ran to my parents. "Mum i have to leave it's not safe here for me. The orders looking for me, the might kill me," I said hugging her, unsure of whether what i said is true or not.

She nodded quickly and murmured an "i love you," in my ear as i ran upstairs. I quickly threw my clothes in my trunk and wrote a note for my father to read, explaining what was going on. I grabbed my trunk and Rivers gift and apparated to the first place i could think of. Rivers House.

The crack of my apparating was enough to cause the dogs to start barking at the door, and for him to open it. He looked confused but before he could ask, i felt tears start to well up in my eyes and River grabbed my trunk to hurry me in.

"I'm sorry," I chocked. "I didn't know where else to go." He pulled me up the stairs and into his bedroom. I sat down on the chair in front of his desk and held my head in my hands. "I'm in danger. Or at least that's what Harry said. Apparently they know i'm a death eater and it wasn't safe for me at malfoy manor."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me. "I thought you and harry don't get along. Why would he warn you that your in danger?"

"Well um, you seriously can't tell anyone, not even my parents know, but Harry and Draco are dating. They have been for a while now." River nodded in response and then picked me up off the chair, carrying me over to the bed and placing me in the middle, sitting across from me.

"Okay, so my parents are out right now, so i'm going to tell them that you are going to come and spend the last few days with us. I already mentioned it happening to them so they won't be too surprised," He said, checking his watch. "They will be home in an hour. So if you just sit up here when they get back and i'll go down and keep them amused, and then thirty minutes after they get here, you take ur stuff, and apparate to the front door."

And that was exactly what he did. While he was downstairs keeping his parents entertained i sat i front of a mirror, doing my hair and make up and changing my clothes so that i will make a good impression. When the time came i grabbed my trunk and apparated the full about fifteen feet to his front door. I knocked twice and i heard rivers foot steps running to open the door. "Saturn i've missed you so much!" He said, pulling me into a hug and placing a kiss on my forehead. I knew half of this was for show so his parents wouldn't suspect anything, and the other half was real.

What i wasn't expecting, was how nice his parents where to me. They treated me like they have never seen an article speculating whether or not I was a death eater, like my father wasn't us Azkaban. They treated me as a normal human.

The three days i spent there were heaven on earth. The first night River pulled in a mattress so that we could sleep separately as i was nervous to be in the same bed. I'm not sure why, even though i trust him fully, i was scared that something would happen.

His parents and I got along so well, and to my surprise, on the last night there, they brought me into the living room. "I know it's not much Saturn, but we wanted to give you a little something," His mother, Sarah, told me as she handed me a box wrapped in red paper. I smiled so much my cheeks hurt as i tore open the paper and opened to the box to reveal a pair of tartan pajama bottoms, "We all have matching pairs. I know you haven't been with River for too long but we wanted to welcome you into the family in the best way we knew."

I placed them down and threw myself into her, giving her a hug as tears of joy fell down my face. "Thank you so much," I whispered pulling away.

That night his sister visited as well, and we all played quidditch in his garden. It was like nothing was going back at home. But i was quickly brought back to reality when we were saying bye to his parents on the platform. I was sad to not be able to have this type of goodbye with my parents, but when i say Harry looking at me, i knew i had bigger things to worry about.

I told River to sit with his friends in the way back as i sat in a carriage on my own, catching up on school work, and after what felt like no time at all we were already back at school. I skipped dinner and went straight to my dorm, not wanting to talk to anyone, but as i walked there I heard someone shouting "Saturn," and i turned around to see Draco sprinting towards me.

"Draco what do you want?" I asked him as he caught up to me. But instead of saying anything, he just hugged me and cried.

So i hugged back and cried. "Saturn im so sorry ive been so horrible to you. All you were doing was protecting me and mom and dad. We would all be dead by now. I can't believe i said those things to you and know because of how much you have been helping me the orders trying to kill you. Oh i cant believe it."

I smiled at him as i pulled away. "I've been safe, I went to Rivers house for a few days so they wouldn't be able to find me," I explained to him.

Draco nodded and pulled me aside. "Harry needs to talk to you. We have come up with a bit of a crazy story. But we were thinking you could become a spy."

I felt my breath catch and nodded. "I would have to be a double spy though. I would need some things to tell voldemort, so that he doesn't think my loyalty's changing."

Draco nodded. "Well you need to talk to harry and the order. But it looks like you are going to be a double spy."

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