Chapter 12

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I'm about to hit the ground when I feel someone catch me in the arms. I look up and I see two things, Cho with the snitch, and Potter holding me.

He lands and places me down I look at him and scowl, "I would've been fine," I have to scream over the wind.

"Your welcome," He screams back with an eye roll.

I turn around and start fighting against the wind to get to Marlena, who holds my broom in her hand.

"Come on! We are soaked and your shaking a lot from the cold!" She screams, pulling me towards the locker.

After she says that I suddenly realize how much the cold is biting at my skin and I walk away with her.

We step into the warmth and I immediately collapse onto the wooden floor. My legs and arms completely numb and a splitting pain in my shoulder where I was hit.

"Oh my London, come one I got you." She says, taking my broom and pulling my good arm over her shoulder.

"Thank you," I say, barely audible.

She giggles at how I'm barely able to speak. I pull off my boats and put them into my locker. I flex my stiff fingers, trying to regain feeling in them as Marlena walks over and starts rubbing my hands in hers. Marlenas completely changed and I'm stuck in my quidditch robes.

"Thanks l-let's go b-back-" I chatter trying to stand up.

"Oh poor thing I got you," She smirks, picking me up up bridal and placing my clothes on top of me.

We step outside and are immediately hit by an icy chill and rain. She pulls me closer and we fight the wind. We finally get to the grand oak doors and we push the door open. She picks up the pace and my muscles start to tighten, desperate for warmth.

We get to the Ravenclaw common room and we go straight to my door. She places me on the couch and starts wrapping me in blankets.

"Aw honey," She smiles taking off my socks and replacing them with fluffy socks.

I give her a weak smile and my teeth slowly stop chattering. She pulls the top of our robes off, leaving my pants and inspects my shoulder and shoulder blade. The skin has turned an ugly purple, blue, and in some places yellow, and is bleeding out in a few places.

"Owie," She frowns, walking into the bathroom and dampening a small towel.

She walks back in and starts to clean the area. She finishes and and pulls my sweater on. She grabs my dressing gown and wraps it around me before wrapping the blankets back around.

She puts on my leggings and walks back into the bathroom. She comes out with my hair brush and starts to pull out my braids.

"Thank you, can we go get breakfast?" I ask, rubbing my hands together.

"Only if you wear my dressing gown," She smiles after finishing brushing my hair.

"Okay fine, can you go grab it?" I asks, turning to face her.

"Yeah I'll be right back," She says walking out of the room.

She walks back in and picks up my slippers. She slips them onto my feet and puts her dressing gown on over mine.

Puts her arm around my waist to support me as we slowly walk down the stairs. We walk through the corridors and into the packed hall.

We sit down at the end of the table and start to eat.

"Who caught you?" Marlena suddenly asks.

"You will not believe it but it was Potter!" I say, as loud as possible.

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