Chapter 9

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The next two week before potions pass by uneventfully, that is until Grangers appears in the Ravenclaw common room late Thursday night, a day before we leave.

She pulls the door open and looks around before stepping in, "is anyone else here?"

"No, it's midnight. It's just me," I say, making a face at her.

"Oh good," she sighs, walking in and sitting on the chair across the table from me. "Um, first, do you hate everyone you see or do you just act like it?"

"I like a few people, hate the rest," I say with a scowl.

"Okay, thanks for not hating me that much, but  Harry and Ron are fighting again. They won't talk to each other and they communicate through me." She explains with a frown, "Along with that we are all staying for Christmas what am I supposed to do."

"Am I supposed to answer this as a Malfoy, or a person who doesn't hate them?" I ask leaving forwards.

"Someone that doesn't hate them," She responds with a laugh.

"Okay, um, just look them both in the eyes and tell them that they are behaving like children and they need to cut it out, and if that doesn't work, punch them." I suggest with a smirk. "If they ask you to do their homework for them anymore, give it to me and I'll make it seem correct but write the wrong thing."

"Thank you, Happy Christmas Lond- Malfoy," She smiles.

"Happy Christmas Granger, now get out of my common room." I smirk pointing to the door.


"Your seriously wearing a suit to travel?" Marlena asks as I button the top button.

"Yes! I like how it looks," I say, waking into to put my hair into a bun.

"Okay, are you ready we have to go," Marlena says, picking up my trunk.

"Yeah let's go, let me just put my dress in my duffle bag," I say, rolling up my dress and placing it in the black bag. I had already had Aroma fly out to the Manor so that I wouldn't have to carry her around.

We walk out of my dorm and down the stairs. We walk outside into the snow and to the platform. We were some of the first onto the train and find a cart. Aurora, Lukas, and Nikki are all staying at hogwarts but we are both going to the Manor.

We keep the door open until Draco shows up and we slam the door shut. I look over to him and see him wearing his wooly white parka and black dress pants.

"Marlena, are your parents going to be at the platform?" Draco asks, his face loosing the scowl.

Draco doesn't get along with our father. I get along with him amazingly, I'm like daddy's little girl.

"No, I'm not going to see them until Christmas," She reply's.

"Okay, just know- wait never mind, you already met our dad." He says leaning back in his chair, closing his eyes.

We wake Draco up for a game of exploding snaps, and we gossip through the ride. Pansy and Blaise left early and Flint, Crabbe, and Goyle are in a different cart.

We finish the game and we gossip about the people in the school and the death eaters. The train finally lurches to a stop and we stand up. I pull my duffle over my shoulder and Marlena takes both of our trunks. Draco has an identical bag from the same designer that he packed all of his stuff in. We step off the train and look for my parents. We spot them standing in the back and we start to walk towards them.

"Hi dad, just wait until you see me in the new ball gown," I say, giving him a hug.

"Oh, I can't wait," He says.

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