Chapter 17

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The rest of the summer went by smoothly. The Prophet quickly dropped the topic of me being a death eater and just started to talk about my fashion and other things. Draco and Marlena got letters informing them that they are prefects, and along with that the Ravenclaw girls now have to be two to a dorm. It was originally two to a dorm before we came but since there have been a lot of Ravenclaws coming in it's going back to that way, so Marlena and I are now dorm mates.

"Are you ready to go?" Draco asks walking into my room.

"Yeah, hang on," I say pulling on my blazer and helping Marlena her her trunk.

We rush down the stairs and place our trunks down, all three of us holding our matching duffle bags over our shoulders within them our robes.

We all stand together and we apparat to the platform. We say our goodbyes and we find a cart that holds Pansy and Blaise.

"Is it true?" Blaise asks as soon as we shut the door.

"Is what true?" I reply confused.

"What Rita said, is it true?" He specifies, throwing my trunk up.

"That I looked fabulous in a Jovani lander gown, yes it true," I smirk as I sit down next to Marlena.

"No you prick you being a death eater," He sneers.

"No it's not true, I was practicing walking around in the heels and I was going down the stairs and I tripped and sprained my wrist." I scowl, hopeful that they believe it.

"That sounds like you," Blaise scoffed.

"Our father couldn't stop laughing it was so funny, why didn't you show up Blaise you were supposed to be there?" Draco asks.

"My parents didn't want me to go," He frowns.


"I can't believe we have a new DADA teacher," Marlena complains as she paces around our dorm.

"Your fine, she's just special," I sigh as I look up at the ceiling.

"She wears so much pink I want to gouge my eyes out, and we are are the only two Ravenclaws in that class it's ridiculous," She groans.

"We can make fun of the Gryfindors go to sleep," I say pointing at her bed.

"Fine," She sneers and crawls into the bed.

The next morning we sit with the Slytherins since we all have the same next class.

"How much time do we have until we have to leave?" I ask Draco as soon as I sit down.

"Well breakfast is over so I would say no time," Draco says standing up.

I check my watch and Marlena checks hers and both of them say we have at least 20 more minutes.

"Someone turned out watches back 20 minutes," Marlena whines as we walk out.

"We have a free period next so we will just go to the kitchens," I shrug.

"Why are you two never in classes with your own house?" Crabbe asks, more of an insult then question.

"I'm not sure, but at least I know why your not in Ravenclaw," I smirk.

"why?" He asks.

"Because your the dumbest person I know," I state as I sit down with Marlena.

Snape walks in, very dramatically and turns around.

"Everyone stand up, we are having a seating chart again," Snape scowls.

He puts Marlena and I with Harry and Ron for some crazy reason, which I obviously complained about but he told me to just sit down.

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