Chapter 33

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I sat eating dinner on my own at the end of the Ravenclaw table. I told River to eat with his friends as he had been eating every meal with me for the last two weeks. Marlena's friends with Aurora again and surprisingly Cho Chang has joined their group. I looked up to see Draco walking into the hall wearing a red and gold tie. I smirked and went back to eating. It had been a week since our fight and we haven't spoken, but I was glad to see him making a fool out of himself.

I turned around to look at the Gryfindor table to see if Harry had made the same mistake, and to my pleasure he had. As i stood up to walk to the common room i reveled in my decision to not tell them and enjoy their moments of embarrassment.

I opened the door to my dorm and looked around. At the beginning of this year i stopped sharing with Marlena and got to have my own dorm again, however, with the mess of Rivers things scattered everywhere it felt like i was sharing again. I was surprised by how close we got in just a few weeks. He spends most nights on the couch, only in his dorm about three nights a week. I know he would prefer to be in the bed with me, i would to, but it felt like there was just something stopping that from happening.

I started to pick up the books that River had left laying around the couch when the door flew open. I turned around and was surprised to see Marlena standing in the door way. "Get out," I said, placing the books on the table and walking towards her.

"Oh right, your still hurt that no one wants to be your friend because we have all realized how horrible you are. Not even your brother will talk to you," She taunted. I reached for the wand in my pocket, wrapping my fingers around the handle. "But looking in here i can tell that there is clearly someone your spending a lot of time with. Surprising considering that your a death eater. How dangerous you are. I can't believe that someone would actually love you."

I pulled my wand out and pointed it at her. "When my father hears about this he's going to make your life horrible."

"Oh your going to call Daddy? Don't think you can, considering he's in Azkaban." She smirked.

"stupefy!" I shouted at her, sending her flying back. I  walked across the small corridor and pinned her up against the wall. "Don't talk to me ever again you git. I thought you were going to realize you were wrong becoming friends with aurora but you clearly haven't. If your going to turn into this horrible person i don't need you in my life. I've been protecting you, but i'll stop. And don't you dare forget that your parents are also death eaters. There's no escaping this."

I let go of her and let her fall to the floor. I turned and ran back into my dorm. I cast a spell to lock it as i crawled onto my bed.

After a few minutes i heard someone rattling the door handle. It had to be River. I don't know what to tell him, how to explain this to him. He's going to hate me forever, he was my one escape from the dark lord and now i'm pushing him away. I reached over a grabbed my wand, casting the charm to unlock it and letting him in. "Saturn what's wrong?" He asked, shutting the door, muttering the locking charm i thought hin while he walked over to my bed.

I felt the mattress dip on the side he sat down on and i pulled my duvet over my head. I felt him crawl over me and crawl underneath the duvet, so he was facing me under the blanket. Even with the little light we had he was able to see the tears on my face. He reached up and wiped them away. "You would leave and never talk to me again if i told you." I mumbled.

"That means i would have to move back into my own dorm. I don't think anything you tell me could make me give up your couch!" He said with a smile, keeping his hand on my cheek.

"No i mean it, i really mean it. I'm not the person you think i am. It's bad," I said wiping my face.

He paused for a moment. "What are you a death eater?"

I swallowed, "Something along those lines." He nodded and i took that as him telling me to continue with my story. "I was marked the summer before year five. Apparently when i was born voldemort decided that one day i was going to be his follower. I didn't know this until there was talk of him rising again and Yaxley told me, and i mean, i wasnt happy about it, but it didn't define me as a person. I couldn't say no or my whole family was dead. But i cut my arm down the mark on accident and my healing spell messed it up and he took away the mark."

I took a deep breath and looked at him, just to make sure he hadn't run away in fear yet. "I didn't see him for a few months after that. But right before we came back for sixth year he gave Draco a mission. To find a way to sneak the death eaters into the castle and, well, um, he, um, to kill dumbledore." I felt a hot test roll down my cheek. "So we decided that the vanishing cabinet would be the best way to get the death eaters in, and he spent about a week trying tk fix it. That's when i stepped in. I started to work on it almost all the time. I skipped lesson, meals, just always worked on the cabinet. But then i realized it was Draco's job and i shoukd have to be doing it for him. And well, then i met you, and realized i should be living my life, i shoukd be happy, instead of doing draco's job for him."

I paused and looked back up at him being River spoke. "That's not the full story is it?" I shook my head. "So marlena won't talk to you because you were a death eater and now your doing this mission for Draco."

I nodded. "Her parents are death eaters."

He tried not to look to surprised, but i coukd srill tell he was in total shock. "You don't have to tell me the rest of the story. But when I can tell you is that i'm not going anywhere. This is a matter of your survival, your brothers survival, you have to keep your family alive. And if anything, the fact your going through all of this, and dealing with all of this makes me like you even more," River said once he finally got over the shock of Marlenas parents.

I couldn't help but smile and ask, "You like me?"

"Oh no, you weren't supposed to find out! Maybe i should've slept on your couch more often and spent all day everyday with you," He teased as he pushed hair out of my face.

I pulled the blanket away so it wasn't over our head anymore and moved so my face was only a few inches away from his face. I leaned it and placed a soft kiss on his lips, which he returned. I pulled away and placed my head on his shoulder. "Just you wait until i tell my parents i have a girlfriend," He said looking down at me.

"Who's this girlfriend you have?" I asked him.

He grabbed my face so i was looking at him. "She's this idiot, Saturn Malfoy. But of a prick, has stupid money, was mean when i first met her but she's bearable now."

"Oh she's bearable now?"

"Oh yeah she is, that's why i'm hoping i get to sleep on the bed tonight. Because of how nice i've been."

"Mark the date, November 23rd. First day River Richards was allowed to sleep on the bed." I smiled as i looked up at him.

"Mark the date, November 23rd, the day Saturn Malfoy became my girlfriend."

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