Chapter 6

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"What is the point of this badge?" Aurora asks holding the badge up to the light while laying on my bed.

"To say Potter stinks and support Cedric, I dunno." Marlena responds sitting on my desk chair.

"That's it, it's cuz Potter stinks who even likes him. Marlena help me take the bandage of I'm scared." I whine facing her.

It was the next morning and I was supposed to be taking the bandage off by now, but with Madame Pomfrey mentioning how it might change colours I have been really scared about removing it. Along with the fact my father still hasn't owled back, which is never a good sign, I'm not to sure where Aroma even is.

"Sure, I'm positive that it didn't change colours." Marlena says, sitting on the couch next to me.

"I wanna see you arm purple, that would be kind of funny." Aurora chuckles to herself.

"Your not helping," I pout. "Is the bandage supposed to be blue on that side, oh Merlin I don't think this is good!"

"Relax, your fine." Marlena states, somehow very calmly while slowly pulling off the bandage, revealing a blue burn.

"Oh look I was really close with the colour!" Aurora laughs, somehow amused by my suffering.

"We have to go to the hospital wing! Come on it's not supposed to be blue!" I say leaping off of the couch and grabbing my fluffy black dressing gown.

"Not it!" Aurora says quickly running out of the dorm.

"Fine, lets go." Marlena says, grabbing my good arm and pulling me out of the room.

"Is she stating that I'm over dramatic? I am not over dramatic! I mean it's nine in the morning on a Saturday and my arm is turning blue! I am being perfectly reasonable right now!" I ramble while we walk through the common room.

"Oh no, you are not over dramatic at all!" Marlena says sarcastically as we walk into the corridor.

We walk through the castle with me whining about it the whole time. We receive a few odd looks as we walk through the corridors.

We finally arrive at the doors to the hospital wing and I push the left door open with my good arm. "Madame Pomfrey my arm has turned blue!" I shout, holding out my arm for her to inspect as soon I step in.
She looks at it carefully before finally saying,

"Do you know what type of acid it was?"

"The acid type," I say sarcastically.

"I'm going to need to go speak with Snape, just take a seat on the bed for me." She says pointing at the closest bed.

We both walk over and I poop myself down in the middle of the bed, I feel no pain in the burn it's just, blue.

"Can you put my hair in a bun?" I ask with a pout, looking over at Marlena.

She nods with a sympathetic smile and sits behind me on the bed. She finishes and moves off the bed and the doors come flying open.

"I was told you where here, you have a letter from Father, I sent Aroma to your dorm through the window you never shut." Draco says walking over to stand next to me. "How bad is your arm does it hurt?"

"It's not painful, just blue. Thanks for the letter I'll se you later." I say, pulling Draco into a one armed hug.

He nods and hugs back before walking out with a blank face. Marlena sits on the bed next to me and I slide my thumb under the nearly identical wax seal and I pull out the letter. On the paper there are a few neatly printed letters.

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