Chapter 18

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The next few weeks passed by with ease. We were walking through the hallway pointing at decorations and scaring first years when Umbridge came up to us.

"Miss Malfoy will you come to my office with me. No need for you to come Miss Hickens she will meet up with you later." She said, pulling me along.

I turned around and mouthed "I'll meet you in our dorm," to her as I blindly stumbled along behind Umbridge. She nodded and turned around.

She pulled me into her office and sat me down.

"I want you to join my Inquisterial Squad. It's like being a prefect with more special abilities, you will be the only Ravenclaw joining I have mainly chosen Slytherin." She says in her hi pitched voice while sliding a shiny silver badge across her desk.

I pick up the badge and pin it to my robes. "Sure I don't see why not, can I leave now?" I ask pointing to the door, intimidated by the plates with cats on them.

She waves towards the door and I jump up and walk out. Once I get out of the classroom I run down the halls and to the eagle knocker.

"What is a room that no one can enter?" The knocker asks in a deep voice.

I pause for a moment, not knowing the answer and finally open my mouth. "A bedroom I don't know," I frown as the door stays shut.

I lean onto the wall and slide down waiting for someone to show up. I look down the hall and down the stairs and no ones there. I give up and sit down and read, knowing no one will come anytime soon.

After about an hour the door opens from the inside and I see Marlena. "London! There you are I've been so worried!" She gasps, pulling me into a hug.

"I have been sitting there for an hour, that damn riddle," I scowl as we walk in.

"I remember the last time that happened to you when you where alone in second year you didn't shut up about it." She laughs as we walk into our dorm.

"Yeah yeah, are you coming to the quidditch match tomorrow, slytherin vrs Gryfindor." I say as I pull my robes off.

"I'll come. I gotta go meet up with Blaise I'm breaking up with him," She states coldly, grabbing an umbrella.

"Finally I'm going to take a shower see ya," I smirk as she walks out of the room.

I strip down to nothing and step into the hot water. I start to scrub shampoo into my hair when I hear someone start to furiously pound on the door. I quickly grab my dressing gown and wrap it around myself. I slip on my slippers and I run over to the door.

"What the hell do you want I was taking a shower come back-" I start with a sneer before quickly stopping after I see Draco standing at the door sobbing. "Draco! Come in!" I say, pulling him in.

I set him down on the couch and I run into the bathroom. I quickly rinse the suds out of my hair and cast a drying charm. I put on a sweater and joggers and hug Draco.

"L-London," He stutters. "I have a crush."

"Okay, who is it?" I ask softly as he cries into kt shoulder.

"Scarface, golden boy, Harry god damn Potter." He gasps out.

I pull his head up so that he's looking at me and I brush his hair out of his face. "Everyone already knew that sweetie, I have a bet with Marlena that you wouldn't come out until Christmas and she said Easter so she now owes me 10 galleons." I smirk rubbing his cheek.

"But- but I wrote this genius song about Weasley and I don't want to insult Harry. It's called Weasley is our king, the lyrics are 'Weasley is our king he always lets the quaffle in'." He mutters looking at the floor.

I look up for a minute knowing very well that I am going to regret my next few words. I take a deep breath and say, "Than don't song it."

"Ok I'll see you at the game tomorrow, and by the way first years always let you into the Ravenclaw tower if you threaten them." He smirks through tearful eyes.


Marlena and I run down the stadium after the game, which Gryfindor ended up winning. We saw Draco and Harry arguing and we knew we had to go save it.

"Hey Potter, I was going to write a song about you but I couldn't find anything that rhymes with annoying git," He smirks, walking towards him.

"Are you sure it's about me and not yourself?" Potter asks back.

Draco keeps a scowl on his face for a split second lost for words before I step in. "Oh yeah I'm sure, I read what it had and from the last time I checked we still have both of our parents." I sneer at him.

"How dare you insult my parents," He shouts, walking towards me.

"What are you going to do about it? Tell them? Oh right, you can't," I smirk watching him slowly get closer.

He suddenly sends a fist flying at me but I'm able to dodge it but I don't avoid the kick he sent at my chest. I stumble back and he storms over. I start to stand up but he kicks me in the face, causing me to fall backwards. He continues to kick my ribs and face until I pass out, the last thing I see is Marlena and Draco pulling him away from me.

Ooooooh cliff hanger. Sorry it's taking so long for me to write new chapters and that they keep getting shorter. This quarantine is really getting to me I'm tired and unmotivated but I'll try to get another chapter up as soon as possible. Thank you for reading!

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