Chapter 4

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I pull on a white wool jacket and hurry down the stairs to meet with Aurora, who is trying out for the Ravenclaw quidditch team. I look around and see Marlena waiting for us at the door and we both hurry over.

"Okay, so, you know how u are short," Marlena starts to me pushing the door open.
"Short by like an inch smaller then everyone else, yes." I state visibly confused.
"And your brother is tall."
"Yeah, and the point is?"
"I'm actually not all to sure. That is like one of the only differences between you! There's your hair length, your height, and your wavy hair." She says slowly.
I roll my eyes and look at her, "and this took you four years to notice?"

Aurora starts laughing at this statement and we walk into the grand hall and grab some bacon and toast and start walking towards the quidditch pitch.

We get to the pitch and I immeaditly see Draco sitting in the stands. "I'll meet you guys here after try outs I gotta go talk to Draco." I say giving Aurora a good luck pat on the shoulder.

I run up the stairs of the stand Dracos at and walk to the very top and sit with him.

"What are you going here? Your already the seeker." I ask him sitting next to him.
"Supervising the Slytherin tryouts, and what about you, your already one of the chasers?" He asks right back at me.
"Moral support. Do you think Voldemort's coming back this year?" I ask dropping the subject.
"Um, hang on, we're not alone." Draco says, almost inaudible. He suddenly mutters a spell that I don't catch and Potter suddenly comes into view.
"What do you want Potter?" I immediately sneer
"What were you guys talking about?" He asks backing away from us.
"Stupefy!" Draco shouts pointing his wand at Harry.
Potter flys backwards, landing on his back against a bench. "What was that for?" He croaks our.
"I'm not sure, snooping, listening to our conversation, I have a list." I say walking over to him and kicking him in the ribs.
"Merlin Malfoy, you will pay for this." He says slowly standing up.
"Not any time in the near future Scarface." I smirk punching him in the face, creating a satisfying popping noise.

Draco walks over and we walk back down the stairs.

I meet up with Aurora and Marlena at the same spot and Aurora squeals about how she got the spot, having all three of us being on the team.

"Lets go get lunch I'm hungry." Marlena says pulling us into the great hall.
"It's so weird for other schools to be here with us." I say grabbing some food.
"Yeah I can't wait for the champions to be chosen it will be so cool!" Aurora says excited.

We all agree and watch as Nikki and Lukas walk over and sit with us. We smile at and then they start eating.

"Did you guys just wake up?" Marlena laughs.
"Actually, yes, but I think it is ridiculous that the girls get their own dorms and the boys have to share." Lukas states with a frown.
"We just earned it." I smirk, "All if the Slytherins have their own dorm as well."
"That's not fair!" Nikki states upset.

We all laugh at that and continue to eat. Continueouly making small talk.


I measure my essay and I see that I am 2 inches off of being 10 inches.

"Why can't I get this, potions is my easiest as well?" I say throwing the measuring tape down.
"Here gimme." Marlena says grabbing it. She scribbles down something about closing the essay in my perfect scripture and hands it over to me. "20 inches."
"Oh my gosh thank you! But when did you learn how to copy my hand writing?"
"It's so easy, it's just pretty cursive."

We both laugh about it and we head to bed. I shut the door of my dorm and immediately realize a white, snowy owl sitting on my bed, with a very angry Aroma continuously hooting at him.

I walk over to the stranger and notice a letter tied to its leg. I take the letter and I tell the owl to stay. I open the letter and I look at the very messy writing scrawled onto the paper.

Dear Sirius,
I over heard the Malfoys talking about Voldemort again, and you told me to let you know if anything weird happens, I'm not going to tell dumbledore yet, please reach out to me as soon as possible.

I chuckle to myself and I walk over to my dresser and shove the letter underneath my clothes. I grab a few owl pellets and walk over to Potters owl.

"So your Potters owl huh, how did you find your way in here?" I ask it confused. "Oh well, it doesn't matter now. Stay here I'll give you a letter to bring back to him."

I walk over to my desk and grab a quil and some parchment.

The boy who lived is scared is he? Too bad your owl ended up with me. My conversation with Draco is none of your business, now you leave us alone or you will get yourself into some trouble.
L. Malfoy

I walk over to the owl and tie the letter to his leg. I bring him back to the window and let home fly out. I smirk to myself, knowing that Potter is never getting that letter back.


"Okay so let me get this strait." Aurora says one more time, looking at me with shook. "When packing for Hogwarts you don't bring formal attire with you? And now there's going to be a ball and you have nothing!"
"I never do. I'll just owl my parents, let them know what dress I went them to get me, and then they well send it to me." I shrug, looking at her.

She still looks at me with a look of shock as we walk in charms and take a seat.

"All right, this is your second charms lesson and I have decided that there will be a seating chart." Flitwick states, climbing on top of his stack of books, causing the class to groan. "All right now, everyone up, form a line around the class."

Everyone stands up and we lazily wait for him to show us where to sit. I'm whispering to Aurora when I hear him out Potter and I together, causing me to choke on hair.

"Professor, that seating arrangement will not work out!" I say walking towards him.
"I am very sorry Miss Malfoy, this is just how it will have to be." He says shooing me away.

I angrily stomp over towards Potter and slump down into the seat next to him. I throw a glare in his direction and go back to ignoring him.

"Would you like to tell me how you are a Ravenclaw?" He states, very annoyed.
"It's simply because I'm smart. I am a Malfoy, of course I am wise." I say stubbornly.
"And now you like to explain how you got my letter." He sneers at me.
"I'm not sure, I just walked into my dorm and your owl was there waiting for me." I smirk at him.
"Well that's-" Potter starts before being cut of by Flitwick.
"Mr Potter stop talking during my lesson, 5 points from gryffindore." The professor says.

I chuckle under my breath and Potter glares at me before sinking into his chair.


The goblet of fire sits at the front of the hall, with Dumbledore standing next to it after finishing his speech.

"The champion from Drumstrang is, Victor Krum!" Dumbledore shouts, holding a piece of paper in his hand. "The Beauxubutons champion is Fluer Delaclure. And finally, the Hogwarts champion is, Cedric Diggory." The headmaster finishes

He turns around to guide the three champions off to the trophy room when blue fire starts to get larger. The flames keep getting higher until it finally spits out a last piece of paper.

Dumbledore walks over and catches the last piece of paper. "Harry Potter," He says quietly at first. "Harry Potter!" He finally shouts. The are a few moments of silence followed before Potter finally stood up and walked into the trophy room.

I look over at my friends and they all looked shocked, I shrug my shoulder and whisper to myself "that boys gonna die."

A/n I had a lot of ideas for this chapter so it was easier to write than others but if anyone needs any clarification just let me know I'm happy to talk to anyone or if anyone wants any additional characters, let me know. Also I am just starting chapter 5 I will try to finish that today.

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