chapter 28

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i slowly opened my eyes. i was in the hospital wing, Nikki, marlena, and draco all stood at the end of my bed, arguing. "whoever it was just left her to die!" marlena whispered.

i sat up, causing a searing pain to shoot through my shoulder and i gasped loudly, causing them to look over at me. "snape found you and was able to completely heal you except for your shoulder," draco said sitting on the chair next to the bed. "the spell was very dark magic so it was difficult to heal."

i looked on the bedside table where a potion was sat, i picked it up and drank the whole thing. the pain went away almost immediately. "it was aurora," i said throwing my blanket off me. i saw a fresh pair off robes so i picked them up and walked behind the curtain to change.

i had a long cut on my shoulder and down my arm, and pink scars across my chest and back. i finished putting on my robes and sat back down. "what day is it?" i asked, playing with my tie.

"monday," marlena said. i had been passed out for 2 days. i looked at the window to see it was dark, but couldn't figure out if it was early morning or late night.

"do we have lessons?" i asked. draco looked at me, "it's 3 in the morning," he told me. I nodded and stood up, walking out of the hospital wing.

i heard them following me but i didn't really care. i finally stopped and turned to face then when i got to the common room. "draco, i know there's no point in telling you not to come just don't get in trouble," i said before answering the riddle. i walked in and saw aurora sat on an armchair with lukas across from her. she looked shocked to see me. i walked over and grabbed her shirt, forcing her to stand up, and punched her as hard as i could.


i heard someone knocking on my door. it's the third time this hour they've knocked on the door. i continue to stare up at the rounded ceiling, not able to find the energy to get up. I heard the door knob rattle and the door open and then them walk in, i lift my head slightly to see marlena, draco and even nikki walk into my room. "saturn! it's taken us four days to figure out how to get through all your locks and charms!" draco said frustrated.

i look at him and mumbled, "good." before rolling over, pulling my blanket over my head. I felt the mattress dip as someone climbed into bed next to me. "leave me alone to wallow in self pity"

i left someone stroke the hair out of my face from behind. "you know we can't do that," marlena's voice said. "your hair is greasy love, your hair never gets greasy." i reached to the floor and grabbed my wand, muttering a charm that quickly cleaned the grease out of my hair and curled it, causing draco to snicker.

i heard someone's footsteps walk towards me and saw nikki kneel down so our heads were on the same level. "are you going to eat something?" he asked, pushing the blanket away from my face after i pulled back over my head. i moved over to create space for him in the bed, causing me, him, and marlena to all be squeezed together in the bed. Draco sat at the end of the bed and i could tell he was looking at me.

"Aurora has been telling everyone you have a weak punch, and whenever someone asks where you are we say your sick, you need to come back to the outside world," he said, causing me to sit up. "and we are all pretty sure that your shoulder is infected."

i pulled my arm out of its sleeve only to show fresh pink skin where the gash used to be. "The magic was easy, i just had to let my body do the hard part." i explained as i ran my finger over the fresh skin. I had been sure to cast a spell to clean it everyday, as i didn't especially want my arm to be amplified. "does father know?"

draco looked at me and bit his lip. "He's still in azkaban saturn" he said slowly.

I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. Of course he's still in azkaban.

It took a lot of convincing before i was able to convince Nikki, Draco, and Marlena that i wasn't going to lock them all out of my dorm again and that i could be trusted alone, and once they left I had wished that they hadn't left. I didn't want to be alone, as much as i didn't want to admit, i wanted their company. I didn't want to be sitting in the dorm anymore as well, i was tired of seeing the same environment day and night for the past few days. Even after checking the time and seeing it was well into the night, 2:30 am to be exact, i decided to go for a walk.

As i walked the empty castle walls i realized that i had felt more at peace with myself in that moment then i had in the last few months. It was just me and the few owls that were flying around hunting. Or at least it was until i entered the courtyard and heard a familiar voice say, "Saturn."

I instinctively turned around, drawing my wand and keeping it raised when i saw it was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "What do you want," I snapped, hearing the frustration in my voice, as the burning tears in my eyes started the develop.

Harry was the one who spoke. "Why are you out so late?" I didn't say anything, just stared at him blankly for a moment before lowering my wand.

"i could ask you the same." i said duly.

"Well I asked first."

"Im working on sneaking Lord Voldemort into the school so he can kill us all. Obviously." None of them laughed at my joke.

I hear a new voice from behind me. "What are you really doing?" Ginny said. Of course it was Ginny, my least favorite person, well, one of my least favorite people.

I saw harry roll his eyes, clearly upset that she had showed up. "What are you doing here Ginny?" Ron asked.

"I saw you three leave the common room and i decided to follow as I didn't want my boyfriend to get hurt." She replied proudly. I immediately started to laugh. Harry looked shocked.

I kicked my foot into the dirt and pursed my lips. "I feel like this is a private conversation, i've best be going."

I slowly backed up and started to walk back towards the common room. Once i was half way there i heard someone running from behind me. "Saturn wait," Harry called out. I stopped and turned around, knowing there was an interesting conversation awaiting me.

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