chapter 32

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I spent the night in Draco's dorm. So when i apparated home in a jumper my mother didn't recognize she gave me an odd look, before deciding she didn't want to push for an answer. I ran right into her arms and gave her a hug, Draco quickly joined us.

I heard my fathers steps walking down the stairs and i ran to him, giving him a fast hug before he pulled away and said. "He's ready for you."

I nodded and started to walk up the stairs, nervous for what would happen. I didn't bother knocking and walked straight in. "Saturn, lovely to see you again." He said with an unnerving smirk on his face.

I forced myself to smile and i bowed my head down and said , "My lord, I heard you wanted to speak with me."

He nodded. "Yes i did. I happen to have a few questions about how Draco's mission is going. I hope he is living up to the standards which you have set for him, you are a very impressive follower and i just hope he is able to live up to the expectations i have." I nodded with a smile and he gestured to the chair next to him, I sat down and he continued. "I wish to know how the cabinet is progressing. Along with that, when will it be usable and how much effort is dear Draco putting in."

I swallowed. "The cabinet has proven to be very difficult to fix. I spend a lot of time in the restricted section of the library looking for spells. Draco helps too much im better at looking through the books for them. However, we are definitely making progress. At the rate the cabinet is fixing at, i expect it to be ready for use in the spring. I know it's late but we are putting many many hours into working on this cabinet and it doesn't seem to be able to fix before then."

He nodded approvingly. "You still haven't told me how Draco is doing. I'm getting the feeling you are working harder then him."

"No!" I said quickly. "That is absolutely not the case my lord. Draco is also putting a huge amount of effort into this. I just care very deeply about this. I want it to be fixed and fixed well, i want to impress you, climb the ranks. Draco is still putting a lot of work into his studies, whereas i only work on the cabinet."

"Well shouldn't Draco be doing the same then," He questioned. Fuck. I didn't think of that. "This was his mission after all, not yours. You have proven yourself to me already, be hasn't. I want two fully dedicated Malfoy twins, not one fully dedicated twin and a pansy who doesn't put in all the work. I would like to speak to him about this. Send him on in please on your way out."

I nodded and stood up, doing everything in my power to not go sprinting out. As i ran down the stairs i hugged Draco. "He wants to see you next," I said as i pulled away. He nodded and went up the stairs. I watched until he was out of my sight and i walked over to the drawing room. I pointed my wand st the fireplace and started a fire before sitting down on the armchair closest.

After an hour of staring into the flames i heard footsteps walk into the room. I turned around and saw Draco walking in. "Im sorry," He said walking over to me. "I've been spending too much time with Harry, i've completely abandoned the cabinet and now your doing all the work and it's not your work. It's not your burden. Now i'm even closer to being dead because i'm not showing as loyal enough." He paused and looked at me, his brows furrowed and his jaw dropped. "But really, this is your fault isn't it! If it wasn't for you making you seem like such a loyal follower he wouldn't expect so much from me! You and your savior complex is what's going to get me killed. Not me not spending enough time on the cabinet. Oh merlin your going to be the death of me!"

He started laughing like it was funny. "If i wasn't doing what i'm doing and have been doing for the last two years we would both be dead. I've been keeping your relationship with Harry a secret for so long! I've been protecting both of us so much that i can't even date the boy who wants to be with me, who cares about me! I'm doing this to keep your sorry ass alive!" I shouted at him, jumping up from my chair.

He looked at me, but before he could say anything i apparated back to hogwarts.
It was close to midnight by the time i finally walked into the Ravenclaw common room. Once i had gotten back to Hogwarts i went down to the lake and spent the day there so i wouldn't have to see anyone. As it's this late on a monday night, i knew all the Ravenclaws woukd be in bed and i coukd go up to my dorm without interference.

I answered the riddle and pushed my way in. There were still a few candles lit and a few ambers in the fire. I looked around and then saw River sitting on an armchair closest to the girls dormitory's, reading a book.

I wasn't sure if i was in the mood to talk to him or not, but i didn't have the time to make a choice and he looked up to me and smiled, waving me over to sit by him. "You haven't changed," He commented as i sat down.

"Oh yeah, do you want your jumper back?" I asked.

He shook his head. "You can hang onto it tonight, you look like you need it more then me."

I nodded and looked down at me feet. "I'm sorry for disappearing. I had to go home, family stuff."

He stood up and walked over to me. He picked me up from where i was sat, holding me bridal style, before sitting back down where i was, holding me close to him while i sat in his lap. I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes as i let myself relax at his touch. I had only known him for a week yet he made me feel so cared for. Sure i was angry at myself for allowing myself to feel this way, but i couldnt help it. Once a few tears had escaped my eyes a son built up in my chest and i let it out. I cried about everything.

The fight with Draco.

Making it seem like my alliances where with the dark lord.

How much pressure i am under to keep me and Draco alive.

And River let me.

He held me in the chair for an hour while i cried a river. Every now and then he woukd whisper "You're okay," or "I've got you." And not once did he ask what's wrong.

When my sons finally slowed into hiccups he stood up and carried me to my dorm. He pulled the blankets back and gently placed me down on the bed. As he tucked me in i reached out and grabbed his hand, looking up and him through cloudy eyes. "Please stay with me." I pleaded.

He nodded, "Of course," and walked over to the couch.

i'm sorry it took so long to update, i'm trying to stick to a schedule but i've been really busy lately. thank you so much to everyone still reading this story, and a special thank you to Potters26922 for giving me the motivation to update this story regularly!

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