Chapter 23

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I walked into Umbridges office for an iqusterial squad meeting when I saw Chang sitting on a chair crying. As soon as I walked in she grabbed onto Chang and motioned for all of us to follow I hung back for a moment to talk to
Draco as we hurried down the hall.

"Be in the astronomy tower tonight at midnight. Help us choreograph a fight," Draco whispered into my ear.

I nodded and we arrived at a wall. Umbridge shot a spell causing the wall to cave in and potter and a ton of other students stood there, wands out and spells flying everywhere.

"Miss Malfoy grab Potter, Mr Malfoy Granger. Everyone else follow me." I grabbed onto Potters shoulders and walked closer to Draco.

"Mess up my appearance one more time and you will have another false article in the Prophet," I whisper into potters ear, causing him to nod his head rapidly.

"What did you say to him?" Draco asks in a whisper with a slight smirk.

"Something about my hair and him not messing with it. Just look at this swan braid Marlena was practicing before she called this meeting," I smirked, gesturing to my hair.

Draco chuckled and we arrived at her office, she sent me away. I had a 'see you at midnight' from Draco and I threw Aurora a glare.

I walked into the dorm and Marlena looked up at me expectantly.

"Potter and a ton of students were doing defense against the dark arts in the room of requirement. I'm going to take a shower the hair looks great." I say with a smile as I step into the bathroom.

I take my hair out of the detailed style and I stepped into the steamy water. Scrubbing in all of my hair products and washing my body. I use a quick drying charm to dry off and slip into my pajamas.

By the time I'm done I step out and see Marlena standing by the door with a look of worry.

"She's not very happy," She says nervously.

"What did she say?"

"To watch your back or else she will hex you without hesitation."

"I'll hex her first. It'll help her face." I scowl as I grab my homework and start working.


I slowly started to walk up the stairs to the astronomy tower, when I got half way up I quickly realized that it was Draco and Harry talking.

"She is much better with the press than I am. I'm not sure how she does it but it's amazing," I hear Draco laugh.

"I hate the press so much, I have never seen a picture of her wearing the same gown twice. What does she do when she's worn one that she doesn't want to wear again?" I hear Harry ask,

I decide that this is the best time to butt in. I walk up the rest of the stairs and start talking. "I donate them to charity. But that's only the ball gowns I do that with. I have four at home but I keep all the knee length dresses."

"Nice to see you two Saturn," Harry says looking up at me.

"I prefer Malfoy," I scowl at him as I walk over to sit with them on the blanket.

"Don't listen to her, she's just lucky that the planet she's named after has more rings than she does," Draco laughs.

"Well I have more diamonds," I scowl.

"We're getting off track let's start with something for potions tomorrow morning," Harry says with a good natured eye roll.

"Okay potter how about you drop some ingredients on Dracos shoes and then he'll call you a prat and than you can make fun of his shoes since they are Italian leather. But you have to admit Italian leather is the best," I said sitting back.

"Okay that's better than we had, I'll wear my other pair of shoes tomorrow I'm not getting my good shoes dirty," Draco says in response.

"Okay yeah can I leave now?" I ask stretching out.

"In a minute I gotta ask you something," Harry says interrupting my train of thought.

"Potter if it's about the rats nest that sits on top of your head I can't help you I have no idea how you are supposed to fix it," I say slowly shaking my head.

"No, no it's not that and Dracos already tried to fix it. But how do you deal with press so well?" He asks.

"I tend to just talk about what I'm wearing and just lie. They ask me a question I don't like I'll just tell them to shove off, I'm not sure why they suddenly have such an interest in me. But I try to use it to my advantage as much as possible, for example, the article about Aurora." I say with a slight smirk.

"Why did you get that published, what did she do?" Potter asks.

"I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you and I don't think Draco would be to happy about that," I giggle slightly.

I get up and walk back down to my dorm. Leaving Draco blushing furiously with Potter. I smirk at myself slightly for Dracos embarrassment and I keep walking.


Marlena and I jog slightly to where Draco was walking a bit ahead of us. I saw a bit of red and gold hanging out of his pocket and I slowed down. I quickly realized it's a Gryfindor tie. Potters tie.

I look around to make sure that no one else is in the hallway and I pull the tie out of his pocket causing him to turn around.

"Do you like my new tie?" I ask as I pull it around my neck.

"Where did you find that?" Draco asks confused.

"Your back pocket," I say with a wink. "I think potter wants it back."

"How do you know it's potters?" He asked quickly, blushing a deep shade of crimson.

"Common logic, I'm going to go give it to Potter," I smirk as Marlena and I start to walk away.

We half ran into the great hall and immediately ran over to the Gryfindor table. I ran behind Potter and draped the tie over his neck.

"I found this in Dracos pocket, figured it belongs to you," I whisper into his ear. "Use protection." I add before running off, leaving him a crimson shade.

Marlena and I sit down at the Slytherin table as the owl arrive. My Fathers owl swoops down and drops a howler on my head.

"London! Open it!" Marlena shouts.

"It's not mine it's Dracos!" I shout back.

Draco walks into the room and I run over to him the howler in hand. He sees it's addressed to him and starts to open it.

Draco Lucius Malfoy!
Your mother and I cannot believe what you did! What makes you think that you can just take a dragon egg you found into your bedroom! When your mother and I walked in to be greeted with a baby dragon we were terrified! Just wait until you get back home you will never hear the end of it! Oh and London your mother just wanted to say she's sorry that everyone has figured out your name is Saturn.

Once the letter was done shouting half the great hall was staring at us in shock and I was unable to stop laughing.

"Here I am thinking that they were to classy for howlers. If your dragon ate any of my peacocks before it was removed you are dead," I say before walking back to the table, Draco following close behind.

"Well the whole school now knows your name Saturn," He teases back.

"Shut up ferret, at least I wasn't so desperate for attention I climbed a tree," I say back as I read the prophet.

He drops it at that and we eat in silence.

Sorry about this chapter I have been all over the place lately. I don't remember if I said this already but like I'm not gonna he posting much cuz I'm going through a depressive episode and my inspiration and motivation is seriously lacking. I'll try to update soon.

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