chapter 30

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"Merlin Marlena! what makes you think you can bring her here?" I shouted at her, gesturing and Aurora as i spoke.

Marlena helped Aurora up and sighed. "Look Saturn, she wants to apologize."

I stared at her for a moment. Then started laughing.
"She, wants to apologize to me?!"

As they looked at me with daggers i realized they were serious and my face dropped.

"She, want to apologize, to me?" I asked emphasizing the sentence.

They both looked at each other and nodded before i pointed at the door. "Piss off!" i told them both as i slammed the door.

I had more important things to do then talk about petty friendship drama. Things such as sneaking death eaters into hogwarts and killing Dumbledore. Which actually weren't even me things to do, they were Draco's, but i know he won't do it and i don't plan on getting killed. So i had to do it. "Of course i have to do it" I mumbled to myself as i buttoned my shirt. I always have to save Draco's ass. Every single time. He clearly doesn't realize that his fuck ups would get me killed too. There's only a certain extent to which i can pretend to like Tom riddle and i am getting closer and closer to getting killed. Every waking moment i know that i am just inching towards my inevitable death and i am fully aware of how likely it will be Draco's fault.

But Marlena is supposed to be my best friend. Since year one we have don't everything together, we even spend most summers together. But i pushed that out of my head. I know i need to stay focused and i can't let anything distract me. I need to keep me and draco alive.

And yet, here marlena is, trying to get me to solve some petty friendship drama.

However it was halloween, and i was planning on enjoying myself one last time before every waking thought i had was about the vanishing cabinet.
After an hour i had finished my make up and moved to the closet where my fairy costume was set up. I pulled the dark blue corset tight and charmed the wings to flutter. I made my way out of the common room, where a few Ravenclaws where setting up for our party, and down to the dungeons. I stopped at a broom closet that was opposite to the potions classroom and i grabbed two bottles of fire whiskey which i had stashed in there.

"What are you doing Saturn?" I heard River ask from behind me. I spun around and reached for my wand which i thought was in the waistband of my skirt, only to realize it wasn't there. "Looking for this?" He asked, handing it to me.

I tucked one of the bottles under my arm and grabbed it. "I must've left it in the common room," I mumbled to myself as I put it away. "Why did you follow me?"

"Well i saw you all dressed up as a pretty little fairy and decided to see where you were off too," He explained as he lent up against the wall. "It looks like your on the way to have a little drink!"

I sighed and turned around, headed to the dungeons. "I'm going to the slytherin common room for their party." I looked back at him, "No you can't come with."

"Aw how did you know i was going to try and invite myself? I'll be sure to wait up for you in the common room" He smirked as he turned around.

Normally i find people who try to flirt with me infuriating, however, i was enjoying this.

I pushed my way into the slytherin common room to see the party had all ready started. It wasn't in full swing, but it was for sure something. I unscrewed the top of one of the bottle and room a few swigs of it, welcoming the burn, knowing i woukd need it to get through the night.

"Saturn!" I heard Draco shout from behind me. "Give me some," He slurred. He was already pissed and the party has just started. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, when he gets this drunk he gets sad so I knew he would be crying in a few hours.

"No!" I said holding them up. "Your already drunk, im not it's not fair."

"No, no, i need to be drunk, im in charge of a mission and i'm very stressed!" He said, grabbing for one of the bottles.

I stared at him wide eyed. He was stressed? About the mission that I'm doing for him? How difficult life is for him, running around with his secret boyfriend living like a teenager while i slaved over a stupid cabinet so he wouldn't be killed.I drank the rest of the already opened bottle.

"Oh look, the Malfoy twins back together," I heard Blaise's voice say. "Don't see you in here too often anymore girl malloy!" I turned around and smiled at him, handing him the full bottle and tossing the empty one to the side.

"Draco here is already pissed, it seems your not too far behind him either!" I smirked, already starting to feel the affects of the alcohol.

"I know, he's already tried to owl harry. But he didn't have an owl so he's handing them to me. I am only a little tipsy thank you very much!" Blaise said as he put draco's arm over his shoulder. "Go have fun Saturn, i can handle your brother."

I nodded and looked around, but as i looked at everyone i realized that i wanted to spend my last night of freedom with River.

I couldn't believe, and didn't want to believe i felt this way about a boy, but i did, and more then anything i wanted to go and be with him. I wanted to tell him all about myself and i wanted to know about him as well, i wanted to cry to him and smile. I needed to see him.

And i felt all this from two interactions.

I ran out of the common room and towards the Ravenclaw tower. I ran past students dressed in their costume making their way towards whichever party they wanted to. I slowed down as i walked up the steps, i coukd feel my head getting fuzzier with each step i took. there were people walking out of the common room as i walked in, i didn't think i was gone that long but the party had already started and was in full swing when i made it in.

I pushed my way through people trying to find him, and it wasn't until i felt someone pinch one of my wings that i turned around and saw him. "I've been looking for you!" I shouted over the music with a smile.

"I knew you would show up," He said with a cocky grin.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the exit. "Come with me!"

We ran down the steps and across the castle towards the astronomy tower. I never let go of his hand while we ran and the butterflies in my stomach kept getting stronger. I couldn't help but giggle as we made our way through the castle. When we finally made it to the top i stopped to look at him. We both stood in silence for a moment, panting, before we said something.

"How much have you had to drink?" He asked sitting down. "I can smell the alcohol on your breath."

I giggled, sitting next to him. "A lot!"

"I've never payed much attention to you Malfoy. I wish i did, your intricate, lots of patterns to follow."

I smiled, he wished he payed more attention to me. "You say it like i'm a piece of fabric."

"No, your more like a tapestry."

I blinked at him for a moment, i was getting drunker and drunker and it was difficult to process what he had just said. "Don't be nice, im a git, i used to bully people for the sake of it. I have no friends and the one common factor in all my friendships ending is me." i explained to him, turning around to lay on the cold floor.

"Well i think your just misunderstood. Being a Malfoy can't be all that easy, you just need someone to listen to you."

I felt my lips go numb as i said, "I don't need anyone, i'm a lone wolf, me myself and i."

He sat up and pulled me with him so we were facing each other. "If you weren't so drunk right now i would kiss you.

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