chapter 35

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It was a few days until Harry and i were able to meet. It was approaching midnight as i walked down to the library. I saw him already sat in the far back corner. The sound of my chair scraping against the floor pulled him out of his daze. "Hey Malfoy," He mumbled, looking up to meet my gaze.

I gave him a slight smile as i sat down across from him. "Thank you." I said, he gave me a blank stare like he didn't know why i was thanking him. "For the letter," I continued.

He nodded and smiled. "You've helped me, just returning the favor." He said. "But what i really wanted to talk to you about was becoming a spy for the order. I know it's incredibly dangerous, and you don't have to if you don't want to, but it would clear your name in the order."

"Yeah... I hope you know that if i were to do this i would need to be a spy for voldemort as well. He would find out and have me killed." I paused for a moment, remembering everytime i've heard the house echo with screams. "Or tortured."

He nodded and slid down in his seat. "Draco's a death eater." He said.

"I know."

"Your not."

"I know."

"But you were. Still kind of are."

"I know."

"But you are doing it for your safety. You have to keep yourself and your family alive."

"I know."

He sighed. "I'll have to tell the order about Draco, tel then we are dating. Have to come out, tell them he's a death eater. There's a lot."

I nodded in response, not sure what to say. "I have a boyfriend."

"Draco didn't tell me," He said with a slight smile.

"I haven't told Draco. We didn't talk for a few months," I said picking at the skin around my cuticles.

He nodded and smiled. "I'm happy for you Saturn. Must be nice to have someone that's not involved with Voldemort or is actively trying to sabotage you."

"Marlena's parents are death eaters." I said, he looked slightly shocked. "Yup, I think that's why she hates me so much. Just deflecting onto me."

"Adds up. Well um, i told Draco i woukd go to his dorm at quarter past so if you meet me here again same time tomorrow i can take you to see the whole order and figure it out," He said standing up.

"Sounds good," I said as i stood up to go back
to the Ravenclaw common room. As i made my way up to my dorm i found myself hoping to find River awake and in there. I hadn't seen him since dinner so i wasn't sure if he would be there or not. Once i got to my dorm i muttered the charm to unlock the door and i pushed my way in. I looked around for river and didn't see him, i checked the toilet and there was no sign of him.

I bit my lip and sighed, walking out of my room and towards the boys dorm. I knocked on his dorm room and walked in. For a moment i was confused when i saw two beds but remembered the boys shared a dorm. I looked at both beds but recognized River in the furthest bed.

I stood at the end of his bed and whispered, "River," but i got no response. I climbed onto the bed and shook his shoulder. "River," I said slightly louder, and he finally opened his eyes.

"Oh, hey saturn," He mumbled with a smile, reaching his arms up over my neck and giving me a light kiss.

I sat down next to him and took his hand. "I haven't seen you since dinner and you weren't in my dorm," I said, placing a hand in his hair.

"I thought you woukd want some space because of your conversation with Harry," he replied, turning to face me.

"Thank you, but it makes me want to be with you even more."

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