Chapter 19

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My eyes slowly flutter open and I look around. I feel as though I'm on cloud nine. My head is really fuzzy and a warm feeling consumes my body. I look around and I see Draco and Marlena standing right next to me.

"Hi Hickens," I say, my voice super airy.

"Hey London, how are you feeling," She asks, trying to contain her laughter.

"Like I'm on a cloud, guess what," I say slowly with a smile, lifting my hand up and touching her hair.

"Well I'm not sure what happened?" She asks with a giggle.

"You owe me ten galleons. Pretty boy over here finally confessed his undying love for Golden Boy," I giggle out turning to face Draco.

"Is that true?" Marlena asks Draco with a gasp.

"Sorta, the medicine is leaving her really high right now. I don't love potter I just have a crush." Draco admits.

The door slowly opens and I look up to see who it is. I see Harry Potter walking in. I don't feel any reason to insult him and right now I'm not mad either.

"Hi golden boy," I say waking my arm, holding out the hi.

"What's wrong with her?" He asks Marlena, visibly confused.

"She's high from the medication," She explains with a smirk.

"Guess what golden boy. Pretty boy over here loves you," I say, holding onto Dracos arm.

"That's it," Draco snaps picking up the bottle on the table next to me. He hands it to me to drink and I chug it not thinking twice, before I know it I'm out.


My eyes snap open and I feel a dull throb in my head and all over my body. I look up and see Potter, Draco, and Marlena staring at me. I was only out for ten minutes but in that time I slept off the medication.

"What are you staring at Potter," I snap as I sit up, ignoring the searing pain that suddenly went through my body.

"I'm banned from quidditch hope your happy," He sneers after a moment and he storms out of the room.

"What's he in about?" I ask as I cling onto Draco for support.

"Do you remember anything from the past half hour?" Marlena asks as we slowly walk out, me clinging onto Draco.

"No, why what happened!" I ask.

"He came in and you told him Draco, or as you out it 'pretty boy' likes him and than Harry was to shocked to say anything until you woke up." Marlena says as we sit down in the great hall.

"Draco I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was saying I promise I won't tell father," I gasp as I turn to him.

"London, it's okay! I'll just explain it to him maybe he will understand." He says starting to pile food onto his plate.

"Hopefully. Marlena are you coming to the Manor for Christmas?" I ask.

"I'm spending the last week there I'm spending the first week at home with my parents." She sighs.

I nod, Christmas was in a few weeks but it felt like it would never get here.

"Lessons for tomorrow are cancelled so there's a Hogsmeade trip, want to go?" Marlena asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, can we just sit in the three broomsticks and talk?" I ask.

Marlena looks at me with a frown. She's the only one I have left, Nikki saw the dark spots on my arm in the hospital wing and now won't talk to us and Aurora and Lukas slowly stopped last year.

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