Chapter 5

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"How do you guys think Potters name got into the cup?" Lukas asks, passing around a small circle in the common room.
"Beats me, why do you even care you've talked to him like twice." I state wrinkling my face.
"Yeah but, I wanted to be a champion and I'm upset that he got it." He says once again.
I roll my eyes and stand up. "Have fun listening to him complain I'm bored." I say to Marlena and Nikki before leaving the common room.

As I walk back into my dorm I see the same snowy owl sitting on my bed, this time Aroma doesn't mind as much. I walk over to him and see that he doesn't have a letter just found his way in.

"I need to stop leaving my window open." I mutter to myself, grabbing some pellets for the owl. "Do you sit in the owlery all the time? Poor thing." I say shaking my head and bringing him to the window to fly away. But instead he doesn't leave. I pick up an empty piece if parchment, hoping this will make him want to leave and it does, I watch as he flies away, leaving me completely confused. I shake it off and just go to bed.


"What do you want Malfoy." Weasley sneers at me as we mix our potion.
"I want answers." I say smoothly with a smirk, passing him the crushed beetles.
"Answers for what I can't help you." He states visibly annoyed.
I roll my eyes at him and knock over the container of acid onto my robes, "Weasley why did you do that!" I shout standing up.
"I didn't do that! You knocked that onto yourself!" He shouts back.
I watch as Snape walks over and inspects the mild burns on my arms and the burnt holes in my robes. "Mr Weasley that is a detention tonight and 50 points from Gryfindore. Miss Hickens please escort Miss Malfoy to the hospital wing." The professor states emotionless.

I walk over to Marlena and walk out of the classroom with a smirk. She looks at my arm and rolls her eyes.

"Did you seriously spill acid on yourself just to get Ron in trouble?" She asks carefully.
"What else was I supposed to do? I got you out of potions where's my thank you?" I ask with a giggle.
"Thank you. When you giggle like that I seriously question if your actually a Malfoy, but then I remember that you spilled acid on yourself to get Ron in trouble." She laughs looking at me.
"I mean, he wouldn't answer any of my questions about Potter! I had to do it, besides it barely hurts." I laugh again as we walk into the hospital wing.

"Oh my what happened here?" Madame Pomfrey asks walking over.
"Weasley spilled acid on me." I sneer, handing what's left of my robes to Marlena.
"Well, I can fix this," She says guiding me over to an extra bed. "Now will take of your jumper?"
"Marlena come help me will you?" I ask her, waving her over.
"Yeah, I got you," she says placing my robes down. She rips of what is left of the sleeve on the arm that got burned and helps me pull the jumper over my head.
"Will you go grab Miss Malfoy her spare jumper and robes from her dorm?" Madame pomfrey asks Marlena.
Marlena looks at me and I nod at her and she responds. "Yes I will, I will come right back." She says before scurrying out of the room.


10 minutes later I see Marlena walking back in accompanied by Weasley. He walks over and stands awkwardly in front on me.

"Snape said I had to bring you your books and apologize. I'm sorry." He spits out placing my books on a chair.
"My father will bear about this." I sneer back hunting for him to get out. "Thanks Marlena- ow." I suddenly snap grabbing a Marlenas hand.
"I'm sorry I just need to bandage it and you will be good to go." Madame Pomfrey says pulling out a clean white bandage. She wraps it around the burnt area and says, "Be careful about it, you can take it off tomorrow but if the colour looks unnatural come strait back."

I nod slowly and grab my jumper and robes from Marlena. I fix my tie and fix the button on my robes. Marlena picks up my stuff and we walk out of the hospital wing.

We step into the main hall and walk over to the Ravenclaw table.

"What happened to you?" Nikki asks looking at my scowl.
"Weasley." I sneer at him.
"Well... it was more of London spilling acid on herself to get Weasley in trouble." Marlena states.
"He wouldn't tell me how Potter got his name into the goblet." I snap.
"Someone is a bit moody today are they." Lukas laughs.

I roll my eyes and I pick at a bit of chicken. I swirl the pumpkin juice around in my cup. I watch as Draco walks over to me, wearing the same scowl on his face as me.

"Why do you look so pissed?" Draco asks standing behind me.
"I have an acid burn on my forearm from Weasley." I say, softening my voice slightly.
"What! Why did he do this!" Draco almost shouts.
"Well I spilled it on myself so that he would get in trouble." I shrug.
"Nice going did it work?" He asks letting out a laugh.
"Actually it did." I smirk with a laugh.
"Will you help me make a pin?" Draco asks suddenly, "I'll meet you by the lake after classes."

I nod and he walks away. I look back over to my food and I push it away. I lift up my sleeves and touch the perfect white cotton, I feel no regret for what I did. It was totally worth it.

"Marlena," I say holding on to the final a.
"What's up?" She asks turning around.
"Will you ditch next class with me?" I ask.
"Sure, only cuz you look really sorry for yourself and you never look sorry for yourself." She responds very dramatically.


"Stop picking at the bandage your gonna make it worse." Marlena says slapping my hand.
"But it hurts." I frown, grabbing a pillow off my bed and hugging it.
"Write to your father, he'll do something about it." She laughs in response, "I'll even write it for you since your arm hurts to much."
"Thank you, I have a quill and ink pot in that draw." I say lazily pointing to a draw in the desk.

"Okay ready?" I ask after spending a few minutes thinking about what to write.
"Yeah, go for it." She nods.
"Dear Father, you will never believe what Weasley did today. He spilt acid on my arm and left a nasty acid burn. I am in pain and I am barely move my arm, he needs to be punished. Love, your daughter, L. Malfoy." I say smirking.
"Oh yes, you are definitely a Malfoy." She laughs, finishing the letter.

I smirk at her as I stand up and walk to my dresser. I grab an envelope, wax, seal, and a few owl pellets and walk over to the desk. I hand Marlena the owl pellets and I place the letter into the envelope and heat up the wax. I take my seal and push it into the wax and let it dry. I pull it up after the wax is dry, leaving my initials in cursive engraved into the green wax. I hand it to Aroma and she flies out of the window.

"Wow, a wax and seal, how fancy." Marlena laughs.
"My father always tells me to use it, says it makes it look better." I smile.


I walk over to where I see Draco waiting for me by the lake and he hands me a badge. It switches bath forth from saying, Potter Stinks, and, Cedric Diggory. I let out a laugh and pin it to my robes.

"Can I get some more of those for the Ravenclaws?" I ask laughing.
"Sure knock yourself out I'll see you later." He says handing me a handful.

I put them into my pocket and watched as he walks away. Confused as to why that's all he wanted. I laugh at it and walk back to the castle.

A/n I really enjoyed writing this paragraph, I'll get chapter five out for tomorrow thank you for the reads!

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