Chapter 11

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I slowly walk into the library in the same black suit as before. I start to walk towards the back of the library before I hear voices coming from the table and I quickly realize that it is Granger and Potter.

"Come on! We just need her to trust you so that she will tell you stuff," I hear Harry whisper about.

"It feels really wrong, she's really nice and she's been really good to me! And even though she was reluctant she did say that she would tutor you." She says, "But fine, I'll do it."

I have to hold back a gasp and I turn and start to quietly run out of the library. I start to sprint through the hallways until I get to the Eagle. I answer the riddle and I run up to Marlenas door. I pull out my wand, knowing that she never sleeps with it unlocked and whisper, "alahomora".

I walk over to her and start prodding her shoulder. She wakes up immediately and rolls over to face me.

"What?" She growls with a pout.

"You will never believe what I heard Potter and Granger talking about!" I say standing up.

"Okay! I'm up! Go out on something comfortable and I'll meet you in the common room in 5," She says jumping up.

I run out of my room and I run down the stairs I walk into my common room and I put on a pair on my silk pajama shorts and a sweater before going back to the common room. I grab a throw blanket of the couch right before I leave since our common room isn't known for being 'warm'.

I walk down the stairs with the blanket draped over my shoulder like a cape, trailing behind me, and curl up on the arm chair I claimed mine in second year.

I watch the staircase and see Marlena running down the stairs, wearing her dressing down, and sitting across from me.

"Okay, what did they say?" She asks, leaning forwards.

"Potter was telling Granger that she just needs me to gain her 'trust' so that I'll tell them things. So I guess they want to know about my family and Voldemort. She's only pretending to like me and that's the reason that Potter asked me to tutor him. And we need to make me look sick and we need to send an owl saying that I couldn't come cuz I was sick," I say, waving my hands around.

"No way! I can't believe them! Let's go send an owl while we think of a plan," She says standing up and pulling me towards my dorm.

We step in and she sits me in my chair and pulls parchment a quill and an ink pot out.

"Okay, you can't write in your normal cursive, make it as messy and rushed as possible," She explains.

I nod and and pause for a moment before dipping the end of my quill into the ink and start writing.

I can't make it, I was about to come down but then I retched and I couldn't come down. I can meet up next week.

"How's this?" I ask handing her the letter.

She reads it through before poking Aroma up and tieing the letter to her leg. "Perfect," She says as she lets her fly out the window.

"Okay, whats the plan?" I asks, pulling her to sit on my bed.

"Simple, we give them false information. I can make up fake gossip about you knowing exactly what's going on with with the dark lord and plan on bringing him back and me not liking you for it. And like you can tell her fake stuff about how you are scared of the dark lord and you can give her a fake date and everything!" She smiles, a little to excited!

"Okay! We have 5 hours until dinner starts and they are always there early. So come one I have to look tired we can pull an all nighter!" I smile jumping up.

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