Chapter 16

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"Marlena!" I shouted from my bathroom, obviously distressed.

She came running in, we were both completely ready, our hair and makeup done and our dresses on. She had one of her tall heels on and struggled to stand as she painted out, "What's happened? What's wrong?"

"This! This is what wrong!" I shout, holding up my left forearm which even through several coats of the foundation the mark was still to visible.

"Oh no, this isn't good! Is the press here? Oh Merlin what's Rita Skeeter going to say? Come with me," She says panicked pulling me out of the room, leaving me still clutching onto the bottle of pale foundation.

She pulls me into Draco's room, where he stands in front of his mirror buttoning up his dress shirt.

"Draco we have a problem!" Marlena shouts, holding out my arm.

"Oh no, um, uhhh," He stutters trying to think of what to do. "I still have the wrist brace from when I broke my wrist that might work! Hang on I'll go grab it!" He says, running into his bathroom.

After a minute of multiple draws being opened he comes back in holding the white brace in his hand. "I know it's horribly ugly but at least it will go with your shoes and it should hide a majority of the mark good luck," He explains handing me the brace.

I nod and we both run back into my room as I struggle to strap the brace onto my arm. I run into the bathroom and pull out all the toner, concealer, and foundation I can find and go to work on the few still slightly visible places on my arm.

After 10 minutes of blending everything I own you finally can't notice the mark anymore. I add some concealer beneath the brace and I put my shoes on. I finally finish tying my shoes and I step out to see Marlena taking to Draco.

"It's covered, are you ready to go?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah, the press is already here, they wanted to take pictures of you getting ready but I told them no so they will be waiting for you to come out. I'm not sure why but you have been their obsession lately." Draco explains as we walk down the stairs, he wears stunning dark blur dress robes.

I brush off my dress and straighten out my necklace as we stop at the main door to the garden. "Do you guys want to go around from the side so you don't get bombarded?" I offer carefully.

"That would be amazing, I really didn't want to have to do that," Marlena says as both she and Draco let out a sigh of relief before walking off.

I take a deep breath and stand up a little straighter as I put my hand on the door knob and pull it open. I smile at the over whelming about of cameras and think to myself, how many wizarding papers are there? Until I realize some of them are taking pictures for Jovani and some muggles are here. A long with a few fashion magazines.

I shut the door and smile at everyone as I start to get bombarded with questions. I try to keep a mile on my face at all time and look picture perfect from every angle as I get asked a ton of questions.

"Malfoy, over here! Who are you wearing?" I get asked.

"I am wearing a dress by Jovani!" I answer with a smile.

"Malfoy what happened to your wrist?"

"I fell down the stairs and sprained it," I lie swiftly.

"Malfoy how does your hair look so perfect?"

I look at my nearly done curls and smirk. "I use a lot of hairspray," I giggle.

"Malfoy over here!" I here Rita Skeeter pipe up. I turn around to face her, knowing more drama would be made if I didn't answer her. "Are you a death eater?" She asks.

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