chapter 37

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River did everything he could to try and make me feel better, but i knew the best thing to do was to
wait and find out what would happen. Before i knew it, it was thursday night and i was too anxious to sleep. I walked over to the couch and shook River awake. "Hey i'm going to go now," I told him once he finally woke up.

"Already?" He asked sitting up.

"I'm too worried to sleep, might as well go see my parents as well." I explained, kneeling down to be at his eye level.

"Let me walk you outside the grounds," he said standing up.

I thought about it for a moment until ultimately deciding, "no i don't want you to get caught."

"Okay, i'll see you later." he said, not putting up a fight.

I nodded and walked towards the door, stopping to say "I love you," before walking out.

The walk to the Manor from the hill i apparated too, annoyed to that the protection spell was still in place. I was annoyed to discover that there were even more guards in place then the time before. "Please state your name and reason for visit," one guard said, hand on his wand when i got to the gate.

"I live here," I growled at him. "Who are you too be questioning that?"

"I don't believe that you live here," he reached out and snatched my wand out of my hand. "Who are you a spy? I'm calling Mr Malfoy now. Just wait your going to end up in the dungeon."

I felt my blood start to boil as i drew my hand up, sending mine and his wand into my hand, point my wand at him. "Saturn," I heard my fathers voice say from behind the guard. "Play nice." I rolled my eyes, "my apologies Brown. This is my daughter, she's a bit of a short fuse."

"I didn't know you had a daughter," the guard, brown, said quickly. "And i didn't realize she was so good at wand-less magic."

Lucius held a stern look. "None of us did, she learned it on her own over the summer. Now let her through."

I through browns wand back at him and walked through the now open gate, throwing a stinging hex at him as i left. "I was going to owl you that i was coming back," I started. "But I thought mom would like the surprise. Draco and i got into an argument, he stopped working on the cabinet, again, it's like he doesn't care about the consequences on the rest of the family, i had enough of it and i want to have a word with the lord, about recruiting someone else to do it."

"I don't think he would recruit someone else. Just because you are his right hand man doesn't mean he wouldn't hesitate to kill Draco." My dad said with a sigh.

"Alright, but i need to do something," my dad stopped me when we got to the front door.

"He's here, up in the dining room. Go talk to him, maybe he will give Draco another chance," he said, ushering me into the door.

I turned around before walking in to see Draco running to try and catch up with us. "Well let's
go talk to the dark lord then!" He exclaimed, running past me through the door. I ran after him and too the dining room where we both paused before i knocked, beating his voice say, "come in."

Draco walked in first and i closely followed. "I expect
you are here to update me on the mission," he mused.

"Yes, my lord." I said, before Draco interrupted. "I haven't made any progress, ever since Saturn stopped helping i haven't been once." I was surprised by how confident his voice sounded. I couldn't understand why he was telling him all this.

"Well Draco, I believed you need to be punished," voldemort said, raising his wand to face Draco. I felt the blood start to course through me faster mt
vision dimmed and as i heard him saying crucio i jumped in front of Draco, seeing the steam of light hitting my, followed by the feeling of thousands of knives digging into my skin all at once. My knees buckled and i fell to the floor, feeling the pain getting worse before it finally stopped. "Saturn, that was a very dumb thing of you to do, don't you think?"

I panted for a moment. "Yes, my lord, but i was the one that stopped asking Draco how his mission was going, i allowed him to fall behind, compromising the mission. I believe it's my fault.

I felt Draco's eyes staring daggers into me as i struggled to stand up. "I understand how devoted you are to me Saturn, and you truly my most loyal follower, however, Draco can make his own decisions. You are truly a valuable asset to me, and i see what faith you have in Draco, therefore i am willing to give him one final chance."

"Thank you my lord, i will prove myself." Draco said.

"And Saturn, i don't want you helping Draco," Voldemort finished.


I skipped the death eater meeting by the lords orders and went back to Hogwarts. By the time i returned to my dorm River had already left to go to breakfast, however i was in to much pain from the earlier events to get out of my bed. The only visitor i had was Harry who stopped by during lunch to ask if Draco was alright, but he left quickly.

It wasn't until close midnight that i heard the door
open and turned to see River walking in. "How long have you been here?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to me.

"Since breakfast this morning," I mumbled.

"You were back that early i didn't think the meeting was until much later tonight! That's why i haven't
come to visit since now, you should've come and found me," he said. I reached up and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him down so he was lying
down and facing me.

"He went crucio draco but i jumped in front of him and it hit me." Rivers face dropped as he pulled
me into his chest.

I couldn't help but cry and i couldn't stop. I wasn't able to figure out if i was crying from the physical pain i was in or the pain of knowing how little i mean to draco when i've spent the whole year trying to
protect him. No matter what i did or what he said nothing ever changed. He was stuck in a cycle of trying to get me killed. My whole life has fallen
apart this year. From Marlena turning on me to my
only brother not caring about me and there was nothing i could do to gain some control.

"Saturn i've got you," River whispered in my ear.

I sniffled, "Marlena said that same thing."

"Well was Marlena in love with you?" He sassed back.

I shook my head. "Is she in the common room? I want to talk to her." I want to tell her what a coward she is.

"Don't go punch her," he warned. I was planning on hexing her.

"I wasn't thinking about that." Yes i was.

"I saw her walk up to her dorm. Be civil please," he got up and let me go.

I walked as quickly as i could up the steps, fighting the spasms in my muscles and threw her door open. She sat up quickly in her bed and looked at me confused. "Marlena you are such a coward! Stop talking to me because i'm close to the dark lord when your own parents are death eaters who work closely with him! What you scared to face the truth?" I shouted at her as she lit the candles around her.

"That's not it!" She shouted.

"Now you feel the need to make my life miserable? All because i'm constantly reminded of him and now the only person in my life is River! The only person who cares is him and my parents. Not even draco who is too busy being in love." I said, mocking my last sentence.

"You can't storm into my room and call me a coward!" She shouted raising her wand.

"But i just did! I'm also going to walk out of your room, calling you a coward!" I said, turning and walking out, slamming the door behind me.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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