Chapter 2

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I pick up my bag and I start to walk into the wide common room. It's circular with tables and couches scattered around, there's even a small library.

I see Marlena waiting for me by the door, her long brunette hair but into a messy bun and I walk over to her. We walk out in silence and start walking down the large spiral stair case.

"So a Malfoy in Ravenclaw." She states looking over at me.
"I wasn't supposed to be here, not in this blue." I say lifting up my robes.
"Your brothers kind of cute." She suggests dropping the subject.
"He's also kind of a prat." I smirk back at her.
"He can't be that bad." She says back.
"Yeah well he once-" I start saying before walking into a solid object. I look up and it's none other then Harry Potter "Merlin Potter, watch where your going." I sneer at him.
"Who do you think you are." He snaps back.
"London Malfoy." I say pulling Marlena away from him.

"I don't want to go to potions with the gryfindores and slytherins, I'll be the only Ravenclaw there!" I complain, gathering up all my stuff.
"You'll be fine, you have Draco, have fun!" She winks at me walking away.

I roll my eyes and start to walk towards the dungeons. I spot Draco and Pansy and I start to walk over to them, happy that I found them.

"London! What happened how are you a Ravenclaw, what were you thinking!" Draco says startled as soon as he sees me.
"I don't know! I was thinking 'put me in slytherin' and the sorting hat was all 'nooo I'm putting you in Ravenclaw!'" I snap back at him.
"Okay I'm sorry, just be careful don't become soft." Draco sighs.
"As if!" I snap back at him.

Snape walks out of the classroom and we all file in, I sit with Draco, Pansy, and the rest of his friends and Snape starts lecturing us.

"It is your first day of Hogwarts and some of you have already made a bad impression," He starts glaring at the gryfindors, "I expect high grades from all of you. As you know I am the head of the Slytherin house but there will be no favoritism towards anyone."
"As if." I mutter under my breath, making Draco laugh.
"Miss Malfoy what do you find so funny you must interrupt my lesson?" Snape suddenly asks turning towards me.
"I think that my Father wouldn't be all to impressed if he finds out that you have not addressed all of the houses in this class." I smirk leaning back in my chair.
"We have a mixed class of all houses with the exception of Hufflepuff, our singular Ravenclaw seems to be settling in just fine. Start copying down these notes!" Snape snaps with an eye roll.

I dip my quill in some ink and I start to scribble down the notes. Draco mutters warnings about the Mudblood Weasle and Potter while we copy the notes down. The Mudblood doesn't seem to bad but I already hate weasly and Potter.


Marlena and I sit down at dinner accompanied by some of the other first year Ravenclaws we met, Aurora, Lukas, and Dominick.

"I thought Malfoys were supposed to be in Slytherin." Lukas suddenly states.
"And I thought the same thing but look at me. But that doesn't change anything about me holding up the Malfoy status. Your lucky I like you guys." I state pointing my fork around the group of us.
They all slowly nod until Nikki, Dominicks nickname, speaks up, "let's go to the Library, I want to see what it's like."

We all nod in response and we all go back to our small talk about our home life and obviously, blood status. Nikki, Marlena and I are all pure bloods. Aurora is half blooded, and Lukas is well, a Mudblood.


We walk out of the large grand our doors that lead to library and head back to the common room. We spent 10 minutes walking around the library before we got bored and left. None of us had any homework and we were all ready to go to bed. We parted in the common room and I walked back to my dorm.

I see Aroma sitting on her perch, cleaning her dark red feather and a letter sitting on my desk. I take my robes off and throw them onto the small, blue arm chair and take large strides towards the desk. I pick up the letter and I immediately recognize my Fathers hand writing.

Dear London,
We could care less about the house which you are sorted into. Just don't let spending the time around all the Ravenclaws turn you soft. Your still a Malfoy being sorted into Ravenclaw doesn't change that. If you have any problems talk to Severus.
Love, Mother and Father.

I let out a sigh of relief and walk into the bathroom. I put a light blue head band on and rub a few face creams into my face. I but on a pair of pajamas and I go to sleep, knowing tomorrow is a Saturday and I won't have any problems.

"Can you believe that Potter said that to me." I spit out in disgust, passing around a circle in the common room.
"All he did was point out a zit on your face." Aurora says slowly.
"But I am superior to him! He has no rights to be insulting me! That prat!" I sneer pulling the sleeves of my sweater over my hands and sliding into an armchair.

We spent most of the day down by the lake, the only downside being Potter and his gang being there. Lukas and Nikki slept all day and they came down to talk to us in the common room after dinner. I sit down out a pour while Nikki and Lukas start laughing at me. I'll get my revenge on him, that evil git. I just shake my head and laugh with them. Knowing that Potter and I will never get along.

A/n I'm not to sure what to do with the rest of year one, I think I'm just going to do a time skip to the summer before year 4 since I have a lot of ideas for then. If anyone has any ideas let me know or if anyone has any charecters they want me to include just let me know thank you! Also just ignore the comments that are from around 2016 they are from old friends.

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