Chapter 20

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I turn back to face my family one last time before raising my fist. I knock on the door twice before I let myself in. I see Voldemort sitting in my fathers chair, eyeing me.

"Come here child," He says, pointing at the chair.

I nod and sit down across from him, desperate for the chair to swallow me whole.

"Let me see your arm," He says holding out his hand.

"Ok," I say pulling up my sleeve and showing him where the mark used to be. "Draco cast a healing charm to keep me from bleeding out." I explain cautiously.

"I see, I see," He says slowly. He waves his wand above my arm and the blackened spots disappear. "I'm not going to mark you again, clearly no one trusts you, now get out before I regret my decision." He says, narrowing his beady eyes.

I nod stiffly before turning out of the room. I walk over to my family and pull up my sleeve. They gasp when all they see is a long white scar.

"It's gone!" My mothers gasps.

"I know I'm shocked too," I sigh.

"Perfect! I didn't want to tell you yet but we are throwing a Christmas party on Christmas Day, press will be here obviously, so wear one of your knee length dresses since it's not as formal." My father explains stiffly, pulling me into a hug. "The Hickens will be here, they are arriving two days from now, the 24th."

I nod and run upstairs. I immediately pull out a quill and parchment and started writing to Marlena.


"Marlena," I groaned out from my spot on my couch across from her.

She looked up at me from her book. It was noon on Christmas Day and we had a few hours before the party started, but we were putting off getting ready.

"Will you do my hair?" I ask, pointing at the mess of hair that sat on the top of my head.

"Come on now," She said with a smirk pulling me into my closet.

I sat on my bench and looked into the mirror. I looked at the two dresses that sat on their mannequins behind us. The one on the left held my red dress. It had a deep v-neck and the chest was covered in floral lace, the skirt reached down to my knees. Marlenas sat next to it, a small v-neck with pleats in its white skirt with crystals sewn into the bottom to look like snowflakes on the pleats.

"I'm so happy I'm not one of them," I sigh as Marlena pulls a brush through my hair.

She gives me a soft smile before speaking. "I know, and Rita Skeeter won't be able to say anything about it since your arm will be visible."

"Yeah, can you do the roses?" I ask.

"Yup, just like in a bun right?" She asks.

I nod and mess with my jewelry, trying to figure out what rings and bracelets to wear.

After some time Marlena finally finishes and uses magic to do her hair. I always refuse to let her do my hair with magic but she doesn't mind, she likes learning how to do it.

We walk out of my room and towards Dracos, we look inside and see him laying on his couch, looking up at the ceiling.

"You should get ready," I smirk at him, walking into his closet.

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