Chapter 3

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Time skip to summer before 4th year
"So the plan is set," I hear a death eater say as I walk into the kitchen. The death eaters have been here a lot over the summer and it's starting to worry Draco.
"What's the plan?" I ask casually grabbing a bag of chips.
"Stupid Ravenclaw questions." I hear one of them who I don't know mutter under their breath.
"Excuse me! Would you like to say that again?" I snap slowly turning around to face him.
"I'm proud of you London, but go back you to your room, we are leaving for the quidditch cup tomorrow." My father says with a chuckle.

I nod slowly and I turn to walk up the stairs. I arrive at Dracos door and I knock a few times and I wait for him to let me in. He opens the door and I walk in and sit on the couch.

"I have the chips you asked for anything else?" I say tossing the bag to him.
"No, but, you only sit on that couch when you need to complain about something." Draco says opening the bag of chips and sitting in his bed.
"Nah, I feel fine, but I lent you my firebolt and I still haven't gotten it back." I say with a hint of pettiness.
"Fine. Only if you give me your hair gel back." He smirks.

I nod and I walk out of his overly green room and the few steps into my room. It's been painted a pale blue and I have quidditch posters hung up on the walls along with a small sitting area. I walk into the bathroom and I grab his hair gel out of my cabinet and walk back to his room.

"Here, it's to strong, appreciate it though." I say handing it to him and taking my firebolt back.

He nods at me and we both go our separate ways. He's never been as comfortable around the death eaters as I am so we have gotten pretty close over time.

I wake up to an owl scratching on my window. I get up and pull the window open, muttering thank you to the owl as I untie the letter from the owls leg and immediately recognizing Marlenas hand writing.

London I need help. My parents are becoming involved with the dark lord and bringing him back. I think they were at your house today and I'm scared. This doesn't feel right. I need advise please help me I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Don't owl back, by the time the owl gets here I won't be here.

I nod slowly knowing exactly what I need to do. I tuck the letter into the pockets of my robes and go back to bed.


I walk out of my tent with Draco and my father, I fix my green Ireland scarf and look at my family. We are all dressed in black, the only hint of pride we have is my green scarf, but we are Malfoys so I could care less.

We start walking up the stairs to our seats and we suddenly hear Potter. My father grabs the back of his cloak with his cane and starts talking to him. "At the World Cup Potter."

"Um yes it appears so," The sass in his voice easily detectable.
"Don't talk to him like that Scarface." I quickly snap.
"I hope you don't cause to much trouble." My father says slowly before leading us back up the stairs.

I roll my eyes at the interaction we had with him, determined to not let it ruin my time. We were sitting with the Minister, a special invite. Little Potter was here, probably snuck in.

"London, Draco, you both need to leave!" My father said rushing into the tent.

Draco and I look up from the table we were sitting at, in the middle of a game of exploding snaps. I look over and Draco and he looks just as confused as I do so we both stand up.

"Why?" Draco asks confused.
"The death eaters are coming and I'm not letting you two get blamed, there's a muggle train station nearby, take your trunks and get on the train and go to London," He says visibly scared, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a stash of muggle money. "This will cover tickets and a hotel for tonight, your mother and I will meet you on the platform tomorrow morning go now!"

Draco and I nod and we both quickly run to our trunks and start to run out of the camp site. Not knowing where we are off to but going with it.
Draco puts the phone down and pulls me to leave the hotel room. There are rumors all over the paper and we both know it's good that we weren't there. We started walking towards Kings Cross station and we finally arrived at the wall.

I went through first and Draco quickly followed. We found our parents and we reassured them that we are okay and the night was fine.

"Goodbye London, look after yourself." My father says, pulling away from the hug.

I respond with a reassuring nod and Draco just nods our father goodbye. We turn and start to walk away from our parents.

Draco and I walk onto the train and we hug goodbye and I go off to find Marlena. I suddenly bump into her and I grab her wrist ave pull her into the next empty cart I see. I slam the door shut and sit down across from her.

"Spill tell it all." I say looking at her.
"They said that as purebloods it was their 'duty' to follow him. They have been going to your manor all the time and I think they are going to start bringing me with them." She says hugging herself, "And I don't want to start loosing friends."
"It's okay, if they start bringing you then you can hide in my room with Draco and I." I say calmly.
She nods slowly, "I thought you got along with the death eaters, why do you hide with Draco?"
"Since my rooms further from the dining room where we have our meetings, and I have snacks." I smile at her. "But looking on the brighter side, who do you think will be the new chaser? I don't want to have to be a chaser with Ben."
"Probably a new second year, we are going to dominate quidditch this year!" She says with a smile.
"Well we better!" I smile back at her.

The rest of the train ride was spent talking about what happened and the World Cup, braiding each other's hair, and gossiping about the first years.


Marlena and I sat down with Aurora, Nikki, and Lukas who asked us where we were on the train but we brushed that question of with questions about summer. Nikki was going on about his summer in Egypt when he was interrupted by by Dumbledore.

"This year we are hosting the triwizard tournament." Dumbledore started, I quickly zoned out and stoped paying attention.

I suddenly feel someone prodding at my shoulder and I snap up and I see that it's just Aurora.

"What's up?" I ask in a hushed whisper.
"He's done talking it's your favorite desert." She laughs back at me.
"Oh thank you, I do not care about this." I laugh back digging into the lemon custard.


I throw my robes off the side and walk over to where Aroma is sitting on my desk, grooming her dark red feather and I sit down with her. She suddenly lets out a surprised hoot and I look up and see Dracos owl, Omen, flapping steadily outside the window.
I pull the window open and he makes his way in, settling on the porch next to Aroma and holds our his leg for me to take the letter from Draco.

Can you believe it! A triwizard tournament! It is absolutely ridiculous that we are not allowed to compete just wait until Father hears about it! But what did you put in my hair gel? I can't believe you did something to make my hair freeze like this, not even my multi step hair routine will get it out! Tell me how to fix it or else I'm owling mother! See you in class tomorrow with my hair fixed.
Draco M.

I laugh at the letter that he sent me, "I told you it's to strong," I mutter under my breath as I scribble back the instruction on how to use the lotion that will in freeze it. I attach onto Omens leg and open the window for him to fly off. I crawl into bed pulling the duvet over my head and falling asleep.

A/n I was going to include more in this chapter but I wasn't about to have to many time skips, next paragraph will be longer thank you!

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