Chapter 7

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Shruti POV

Wow finally my project is done but I had to do it the whole night. So today I skipped school because I want to sleep. Definitely my mom said a lot of things but me being me just slept after packing my belongings. 

These projects, home works and studies altogether is so nerve cracking and energy draining. I feel so tired today. I wish I could see the cute bunny smile to energize me. I got those memories of yesterday again, I kissed him and I need to tell him that I was not angry.

Ahh this cute little rabbit why are you so innocent and cute at the same time. I will go to his home today and tell him everything. Yes this has to be done fast I don't want to drag it anymore.

Jungkook POV

Today she did not come to the school and I cannot help but feel that she is angry with me and wants to ignore me. "Hey don't worry Kooks. Everything is gonna be fine. She must have a reason to not come if she did not tell us." Yugi said rubbing my arms and side hugging me. 

I guess I have to wait for her because I am too scared to go to her. I have a feeling that she will come to me. I will wait for you Minnie so please come fast and speak to me. I miss you.

Time skip to evening

Shruti POV

"So are you good?" one of my relatives asked. "Yes I am all good." I said with a fake smile. 

I hate my relatives so much. They only remember us when they need us help or want money or want to rub their kid's achievements on our faces. They always throw sarcastic comments when I sass or try to put down my brother and my self confidence. They even make sarcastic comments on me because I am a girl and I have many guy friends; I fucking hate these double standards and narrow minded thinking. They love passing comments regarding our marks as if they are genius I just don't fucking understand why people like these have topper kids. 

They will always make sure to come during the time when my dad is not at home because he is sassy as well and will always put people back in their places but my mom can only irritate us she can do nothing in front of relatives because she thinks "she will look bad'. 

She slapped me so many times because I sassed and my relatives get more to speak against me. Well on other side my dad is very outspoken and will never tolerate any bad comments against us. 

I never go out with my guy friends any where unless there are girls because I am scared that these shit headed relatives will tell my parents shit and spread rumors. I don't give a damn fuck about what people think about me but I will never do something to bring down my parents name and never become the reason of their insult. 

My mom is kind of over thinker. She thinks tons of times before saying something and at the end does not say anything but when it comes to us she will throw mean comments without thinking. I want to be like my dad- reliable, responsible, sassy, smart, and observant and most importantly his words. 

"What is your age?" the relative asked sipping on the tea. I hope a lizard falls on her head. "I am 12 years old." I said with a smile (definitely fake Duh). "Oh! That is good you must start searching for groom now and get her married when she is 18." she said with a grin. 

I spit my drink out of my mouth and spilled it out on the coffee table. I almost cussed. What the fucking hell is she thinking about? How can she just say that without feeling embarrassed? I am not even a teenager and who the fuck is she to decide when I marry. I wish in place of coffee table her face should have been there. 

My mother was equally shocked but she said "We are not educating her to get married early and also marriage is her choice. She is independent to choose whomever she wants and I first want her to be successful and independent." I smiled a bit feeling warm due to her words but soon it turned into a frown with what the relative said next. "Oh Annu, you don't know the girls of today. The more you educate them the more they become out of your control. What if she runs away with a guy or carries someone else's child or what if she starts roaming around with a guy? What will people say and what will the society say? Even you got married when you were 18. Think Annu this education is of no use for her. When she gets 18 just find a suitable groom and get her married. If you give a lot of freedom she might become the reason of you people insult." She said sipping the tea. 

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