Chapter 38

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Shruti POV

"I got an idea." I said smiling. 

"Tell her that you guys went on a date but it started raining midway so you people returned back home but you both were completely soaked. You understand what I mean by soaked means right! *Alessia looking at me with wide eyes and shaking her head* *sigh* What I mean is that you people were wet from rain. He was wearing white shirt which became transparent so you could not control yourself and next make it up. Gosh I feel flustered *fanning my hot cheeks*" I said. 

"Elaborate." Alessia said and I poked my tongue in annoyance. I shrugged off my embarrassment and started again. 

"You guys went on date but had to return back midway because it started raining and by the time you people reached home you were soaked. Both of you entered the home and a took a glance at each other and sexual tension started building because his white shirt had become transparent giving you a good view and your clothes were stuck to your body showing off your pretty curves giving him a good view. Both of you could feel the sexual tension in the air and the desire took over your mind and you guys decided to follow your instincts and the next is upto your imagination." I said and there was a pin drop silence. 

I said it monotonously with a poker face but on the inside I was bursting at screaming because I am fucking embarrassed. 

"Wow. You should write a story Foxy." Nimo said and I blew her a kiss. 

"Cutie-yah, You said it monotonously but your face and neck is betraying you." Jin hyung said chuckling and everyone started laughing. "Babe your whole face is red and neck as well." Kookie said and I hid my face in his chest whining. 

"*Clearing her throat* Everything aside I approve of this reason." Yoongi hyung said with his red face.

"Let's continue." Alessia said and I regained my posture. "You said you never watch any dirty things then how do you know how to do it?" I asked with a poker face. "Woah that caught me off guard." Alessia said. 

"Tell her that we took sex education classes." I said and she nodded. 

"This meeting will be a chaos." Kookie said shaking his head. "Don't worry Sia everything will be fine." I said with a smile. 

"Yoonie we have to get ready." Alessia said. Yoongi hyung nodded and got up. "Hyung wear something formal like a shirt or something don't wear informal clothes." I said and he nodded his head.

 An hour later both came out dressed. 

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