Chapter 10

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Jungkook POV

Half a month has passed since Minnie talked to me. She does not look at me or smile at me. She talks very little and it is not the usual way. She smiles very less but seems more like a fake smile and always calls me by my name. She has been either studying or dancing. She is always busy that I hardly see her. She has become busier because of the upcoming program. She talks to Yugi normally but is a bit distant with me and it seems like she is ignoring me. Even Yugi was disappointed in me when I told him everything. I felt guilty and bad because I did not know that the consequences of my decision will be so bad. I am so selfish. 

"Hey Kookie." Lia came and clung to my arm. I pulled my arm away and said "Please call me Jungkook I don't like you calling me nicknames." I was about to walk away but she harshly pulled my hands and said "You like it when that bitch calls you names but you don't like it when I call you? What does she have that I don't? You think I don't realize that you always keep on looking at her during classes. What is so special about her? She has so many guy friends god knows what kind of a girl she is?" This was my last straw. She can insult me but not my Minnie. 

I shook away my arm harshly and glaring at her I said "Don't you dare insult her and call her names and she is much better than you. You think I don't know what you do behind my back. You will meet in the corridor during break time." Saying in a stern voice I walked away with a huff. I still regret saying yes to her.

Shruti POV

"Good Job Shruti and Yugyeom. You guys are really good and with a little bit of training you guys can become professional dancer. I know this dance is not the style which you guys usually do but you people are doing really good job." Our dancer teacher said and left the room. 

"Fuck bro I am so tired that I just want to lie down but I feel like peeing. Ae Brownie go and pee in my place no." I said looking at him. He looked at me with a 'so-done' look. "Bitch you have finally lost your brain." He said kicking me. "Just kidding bitch you didn't have to treat me like a street dog." I said getting up. The bell rang and I went to the washroom.

After doing my business I washed my hands and was about to open the door but I heard some voice. I got curious and stopped in my tracks when I heard Lia speaking. "Who the hell does he think he is to talk to me like that? Except me no one will accept his ugly ass." She said. Is she talking about Kookie? 

"Why don't you just break-up with him?" a boy said. Why is Lia talking like this about Kookie when she was the one to ask him out? How dare she talk about him like that? And he is ugly ass? Pfft if he is ugly I have a dick. How can she insult someone like that? 

"No I can't break up with him I need to see that bitch suffer. I wanted her to breakdown in front of everyone and I thought I will see a sad depressed Shruti but rather she is normal. That annoying bitch. What does she have that all the guys are attracted to her and so many have crush on her? She is just an ugly bitch." Lia said with a huff. I did not care about her calling me a bitch but she was using Kookie feelings to take revenge on me made me really angry. I was about to open the door but then someone grabbed me and covered my mouth; I turned to see Kookie?

Jungkook POV

I need to end this I can't take it anymore. This girl is always trying to say mean things about Minnie and always calls her names. I wish I had a poisonous tongue like Minnie and Yugi but I can't say her anything. I want to slap her ptero.. ptri.. What is it that Minnie calls her.. ummm Ahhh pterodactyl like face. 

I hate her personality so much. I will just tell her that I break up with her at least after 15 days I got a reason to break-up with her. I saw her kissing her guy last day in the library and I felt relieved that I finally found a reason to break-up with her without me becoming a bad guy.

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