Chapter 14

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Jungkook POV

Today is a fan sign event and I am really excited. It always makes me happy to meet people who love us but it also makes me sad that one day I will start to date and this love might disappear. But the love by fans sometimes makes us uneasy. We can't date freely, we can't go out anywhere without cameras or paparazzi, we can't eat what we want and any small things we do becomes a matter of news. I sometimes wish I was a normal person but then I exchanged my freedom with my dreams. In order to fulfill my dreams I gave up my freedom and privacy, how ironic. 

"Hello Jungkook I am really huge fan of you can you give me your autograph?" A girl said breaking me from my thoughts. I gave her my bunny smile and signed the picture. "I can't believe it I am seeing Jeon Jungkook and you are so handsome." The girl squealed. 

I felt shy and I could feel my cheeks burning. Will she say that I am handsome when I meet her? "Oh gosh Jungkook-ah you are really handsome and Shruti will definitely say that you are handsome." The author suddenly said and I saw her sitting in Hobi Hyung's lap. 

I just sighed looking at her. "Don't just come out of thin air author-nim." I said. "Jungkook I want to tell you something and this message is for everyone. Never underestimate yourself, never change yourself and never try to fit your legs in the shoes which are not of your size, be yourself and be confident. Every creation in this world is beautiful we just have to open our eyes and see the beauty. Many people will try to pull you down but don't ever come down because you are precious." Author said and I looked at her with wide eyes. "That is a really good thought." I said looking at her. "Thank you and I know I am pretty but you don't have to look at me like that. Shruti will not like it." She said but she was still sitting on Hobi hyung's lap. 

"Why do you sit there always?" I asked and she chuckled. "You know what I love the whole BTS and my bias is J-Hope but I always see that he does not receive many fan mails or gifts and that makes me sad because I am so broken af that I can't send him gifts." Author said sadly. "Woah that hurt me really. You are writing about me but your bias is Hobi hyung." I said and she started laughing. "Prepare yourself Jungkook for the gift I am going to give you." Author said and disappeared after bopping my nose. I just smiled and shook my head at her childishness.

Shruti POV

"Why are we here?" I asked after Brownie parked the car. "BTS is having a fan sign event here." Brownie said. "What the fuck!! Are you crazy? What if someone clicks a picture? Then there will be a scandal. They have started doing well but because of me they might receive backlash." I said angrily. "Calm down Macchiato. They must be done by now and the hall might be empty only BTS members and staff will be there. I will talk to the manager and let you in." Brownie said flicking my head. "Bitch." I muttered.

I covered my head with a black hood since I was wearing a black hoodie and covered my nose and mouth with a black mask. I looked like a serial killer who is going to kill its next target but it was necessary to enhance the surprise. 

After Brownie talked to the manager I got in and saw Kookie pouting with his head down. He is still cute but handsome at the same time. My heart was beating fast and I felt weird in my stomach as if I wanted to throw up. My knees were becoming wobbly and my hands and head were sweating profusely. I was really nervous. I was not this nervous even while giving my board exam and JEE. I rubbed my palms together. 

"Shruti Breathe in and Breathe out." I heard a voice and saw the author. "Gosh you scared me!! What are you? Grim reaper." I said holding a hand on my chest. "I was trying to help you Shruti and you scolded me *author pouting* but I need to say Lee Dongwook is really hot right. If he is a Grim Reaper I will give him my soul willingly." Author said and I nodded in agreement. "Did you see him in The story of the nine tailed? He was so good." I said and author was literally squealing but then I realized that she was sitting on Mr.Jung Hoseok's lap. "What the fuck!! Why are you sitting there?" I asked pointing to her. " Because I want to. Well leave me think about yourself you are about to meet him calm down and go to him. Remember who you are." Author said and disappeared after bopping my nose.

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