Strawberry Shortcake - Melanie Martinez
"And one, and two, and three, and jump - Ah shit."
Jimin body finds the ground, again, grunting angrily with a fist pounding to the ice with that familiar irritation rising up his temper.
No matter how hard he tries, he can never get this shit right!
It's literally just a jump!
Throughout the whole morning up until now midday, Jimin has been practicing on this ice after he practically begged Jackson to train him on how to do a simple jumps. Clearly Jackson denied at first, wanting to give time for Jimin to rest, since they literally just landed yesterday, but Jimin just couldn't stand being in the same suffocating room as Jeongguk for a second longer.
Thankfully Jimin has knocked out yesterday while Jeongguk was showering and woke up at 5 in the morning, meaning he didn't have to see or speak to Jeongguk within that time frame. Even if they were sleeping, the air in the room was still tense; unbearably tense.
Who knows how it would've been like if Jeongguk was actually awake.
Anyways, while being here, Jimin did get to make awkward eye contact with a few skaters from the Brazilian team - solo and pair skaters - along with a few others from other countries such as India and Russia while a few just pop in and out or others are still arriving form their trip. Clearly this training period is a big deal if so many teams are coming together for this event, and strangely it hasn't been as tense as Jimin expected it to be.
Some skaters has even approached him, while Jimin butchered - actually that's a lie since he's very fluent but just hasn't practiced in a while -speaking English since many of them seem to speak the language as a go to when speaking with someone who doesn't speak their own home tongue. A couple waved from a far, wishing him luck with thumbs up to his practice.
A strained smile is the best thing Jimin could even do to be polite since he's just not nice, but they didn't seem to make any crude or some type of attitude remarks about it.
Actually.... They're all pretty friendly. Guess that's what Jackson meant by a friendly competition huh?
"Don't frustrate yourself Jimin," Jackson sighs heavily when Jimin failed the jump again, stomping on the ice now, "It takes months to get the jump right, you just need to practice."
Jimin knows that but he doesn't want to quit! In order for him and Jeongguk to do something great out there, he needs to learn how to jump because they can't just stay comfortable doing lifts and spins.
He needs to push himself a little more, just a little bit more-
Jimin snaps his eyes from glaring at the ice, moving his gaze to see an unfamiliar man skating towards him with a shy smile. For a moment Jimin tried hard to connect his face to other skaters in the figure skating program, but none of them matched this new man's facial features.
Yet he spoke Korean?
"Oh, sorry for interrupting your practice," The man with long platinum hair and faint purple streaks apologizes, squinting his eyes to his wide smile, "I'm Yuta, from the Japan Olympics Figure Skating team. I noticed you struggling a little with your lutz jump, so I want to help-"
"I'm good, thanks," Jimin dismisses, speaking in Japanese back that surprised the man from the unexpected response, "I can handle it."
Yuta didn't move away though, standing there now with hands to his back. Jimin perks an eyebrow, "What?"

Dernière Danse [Jikook]
FanfictionJ'remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit. Je danse avec le vent, la pluie. [I stirred the sky, the day, the night. I dance with the wind, the rain.] -Indila ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Park Jimin is a ballet dancer very well known in South Korea with difficulty g...