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Marinette's pov

"Good game!" Chat said with a smile, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I took it gently and shook it, the smooth leather coating his hands squeaking slightly against mine.

"It's getting late Chat, shouldn't you get going."

"It's only half nine princess, plus you haven't eaten and I have to make sure my favourite civilian is looking after herself.



"What about Adrien? Isn't he your friend?"

"Between you and me princess, you are ten times better than Adrien."

I felt myself blushing and I swatted him away.

"I'll eat something but you really should get going. The rain is only going to get worst and I don't want you catching a cold. Can't have my favourite superhero getting sick."

"Favourite? What about Ladybug?"

"She doesn't have your humour Chat Noir."

I raised my eyebrows and pulled him up from where he sat and spun him towards the ladder.

"Oh, one second!" I quickly ran downstairs and over to where mum had put Adrien's umbrella by the door. I grabbed it and ran back upstairs, both my parents being too distracted by packing to notice me.

I returned and handed the umbrella to Chat.

"You won't get as wet now." I smiled and watched as he turned the umbrella in his hand.

"This is Adrien's"

"Oh, yes, I should return it at some point but-" I stared at the umbrella which I had kept for over two years now. Every time it rained I smiled as I pulled out this umbrella.

"When did he give it to you?"

"A while ago... Do you think you could give it to him for me? I can't face him right now."

"Sure princess."

"Thanks Chat. I'll see you soon." I hugged him and I felt him stiffen before relaxing into the hug. He was much taller than me, so much so that my head rested on his chest and I could hear his heart beat.

"See you soon princess." He hopped up the ladder and left through the trap door, a small amount of rain dripping through onto my bed as he left.

"So, how do you feel about him now Marinette?" Tikki asked, sticking her head from out of a drawer.

"Oh shush Tikki, I just can't with boys right now."

"But you gave him Adrien's umbrella. That has been really important to you."

"Not any more Tikki. Besides, Chat is just returning it to Adrien for me and if he has a cold during an akuma attack, it'll be difficult for me to fight alone."

"Right..." Tikki said and I rolled my eyes and tapped the space next to me in the desk.

"Come, I think I just had a good idea for a design."

The next morning, I woke up to mum shaking me lightly. It was still dark outside and I had left my window open last night and the room felt cold but fresh.

"Marinette, we are leaving."

"What?" I asked, my head still fuzzy with sleep.

"We're going to the airport. We've left a note for you on the counter but we love you so much, don't get in trouble and please invite a friend over to stay with you or something."

"Yes mum." I replied, rolling over in bed and snuggling back into the blankets... "WAIT WHAT?!"

I jumped out of bed and looked at mum who was half up the ladder.

"It's Sunday Morning darling, we'll be back in a week. I really don't want to leave you by yourself but Mrs Césaire said she would drop in a couple times in the evenings. Ring us if anything goes wrong and we will be on the next flight back and be good. And if you can't be good, at least be careful."

"Where's dad?"

"He's in the car already, he wanted to say good bye but I think he would actually start crying." Mum laughed lightly and smiled at me.

"Tell him I love him okay? And I love you too mum."

"Of course darling... Don't be late to school tomorrow."

And with that Mum left me by myself in the bakery. Which honestly was stupid. I had just gone missing and got caught in a fire and my parents think this is the best time to up and go to a cocoa farm in some exotic country. I flopped back into bed and heard the car drive away down the road.

People will be mad. When the short break last week when they were trying to find me had happened, people were practically rioting in the streets.

I lifted the trap door above me up, and stared out into the morning. And it was raining. I sighed and pulled it shut again. I hated being alone.

My mind strayed to thinking about a certain cat who seemed to have picked up the habit of randomly visiting me every now and then. Chat Noir. The boy who didn't like ladybug any more. I screwed that one up.

Shuffling downstairs, I watched as Tikki flew around my head and listened as she spoke about how fun this is going to be.

"Yeah, fun."

"Don't be sad Marinette! Besides, they will be back in a week and it's Christmas soon and it's going to be great. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity for Chat to visit properly!"

"I don't want chat to visit properly. I don't want to get attached."

"Why not Marinette?"

"Because he has already fallen in love and then out of love with me once, I don't deserve him." I flopped down onto the sofa.


Jumping due to Tikki's shouting I looked up and met her eyes.

"Would you stop feeling sad and sorry for yourself for once. If chat likes you then he likes you. If he doesn't then he doesn't. But if you expect the worst out of life then you are going to get the worst. This week is your chance to get whatever this is out of your system. I don't like talking or even thinking about that time when you were hurt because I thought you were going to die. And all of that happened just because you didn't feel good enough as Marinette. Enough is enough. You are amazing Marinette. You have designed an album cover for jagged stone. You have has your designs noticed by Gabriel Agreste, your favourite fashion designer. You need to realise your worth Marinette." Tikki spoke faster than she ever had before and I watched as she floated in the air and rambled on.

I sat in silence for a moment.

"Well?" She asked, looking down at me.

"Tikki... I think you are right."

Hi hi. I just wanted to thank you all for the great response this book has had THANK YOUUU!! Also I'm a third of a way through my exams so it will be slow updates but things are going well. I also just wanted to say I love all of your comments so much, it makes my day to see the notifications. Okay byeeee 💛💛💛💛

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