Chapter 47: Angel Dust

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It was, a transparent world...

It was, the greatest folly...


An injured Draco sat with his back against a concrete wall. His hair was caked with dried blood, dirt, chalk and asphalt. His once bright, golden eyes were now a dirty, foggy yellow. He sat side-by-side with his savior; a young, beautiful Sankta dressed in ripped but attractive attire.

Both of them showed each other a smile, but the Draco had a sad expression on his face. He held a dirty rag in his hand and he used it to wipe off the blood on his body. He leaned his head back, gave out a sigh and greeted the Sankta in front of her.

"Long time no see Haley. I've never been more happy to see you," He said.

"Aw thank you!" The Sankta failed to hide her rosy cheeks.

"And thank you for saving me... guess I owe you a favor now huh?"

"You don't need to. There's not much you can do in this state of yours."

The Draco averted his gaze to the world outside. Rain continued to pour outside, occasionally followed by the sight of lightning and the cry of thunder. The countless raindrops struck the ground, each of them part of a chaotic orchestra.

"How are you Haley? And why aren't you with the Reunion?" Kaiser Rye asked.

"I left a year after you did," Haley answered. "All of the originals are gone; only the recruits are left and they aren't the best. "

"Yeah... it didn't end well for most of them..."

A frown found its way on the Draco's face. He scratched his throat with his hand; not an area of flesh remained there, only crystals. His eyes returned to the angel next to him. Haley reached behind her and pulled out a small bag with a strap around it. She unzipped it and grabbed a bottle of liquor sitting inside it. She took a swig of the fermented liquid before she offered it to the Draco.

"Want some?" She asked with a wide grin.

"No," Kaiser Rye declined.

"Are you sure? You look like you've been through a lot."

"No. Alcohol does a number on the body, and it's never good."

"You sure? You were a heavy drinker three years ago."

Haley moved herself closer to the Draco who seemed unamused by her actions. Then she leaned her head on his shoulder hoping to elicit another side of him, but Kaiser Rye was unfazed. He flicked a few fingers her way earning himself a frown; Haley had to scoot back to where she sat. The Sankta's bright halo and floating crystal wings illuminated the empty space in the dark. Her brown hair and green eyes sparkled beneath her light. Their makeshift dwelling shielded them from the rain, but small droplets managed to tickle their legs.

Kaiser Rye stared blankly ahead of him. Haley tried to catch a glimpse of his thoughts reflected off of his orbs, but all she saw was dark clouds. She offered him alcohol again; the Draco reluctantly took a drink. The liquid burned in his mouth, grazing his throat until it sank to his stomach. He handed the bottle back to the Sankta who finished the rest in one large gulp.

"What are you doing here?" Haley asked with a seductive smile. "Anything special?"

"If you count stopping an entire invasion special, then yes," Kaiser Rye answered.

"I was going to ask you that. What were you doing going against the Reunion by yourself?"

"I was hoping I can stop them. I've taken on full armies before; I can do it again."

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