Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Before I even have time to think about panicking I shove the box containing the ring back into the pocket of his jeans and suddenly, I feel sick. I scoot back and lean against the bed. The feeling not only doesn't pass, it gets worse and sends my stomach churning. I go with my gut and end up running to th bathroom. The door's locked so I pound on it with one hand while the other holds my stomach. He swings the door open and I push my way past him. I kneel in front of the toilet for about a minute before I lose my dinner. When I finish, Josh hands me a washcloth that's wet with warm water and a cup of mouthwash. We walk back to bed without a word and he cuddles around me. He kisses my tummy before he rests his head on the pillow next to mine. "Feel better, bug. I hope it was just the food."

"Me too," I say. 

No, Josh, I didn't just find a ring that you were obviously trying to hide from me for some unknown reason.

It doesn't take me that long to fall asleep but I wake several times during the night.

In the morning, Josh wakes me for only a few minutes. "I've got to go to the studio for a little while, but I'll be back in an hour around nine thirty, okay?" He says. I nod my head. "Love you, baby." He says and the last thing I see before I close my eyes again is him giving me a sad look before he walks up the stairs and I fall asleep once again soon after.

"Connor, don't fucking mess with her!" Is the next thing I hear. I roll over and let out a gasp as I fall about a foot and a half to the ground. I take in my surroundings and realize I'm in the living room, not my bed. Jason and Daniel are sitting on the couch on the other side of the room, Jason ignoring me, flipping through channels on the television, Daniel looking at me with a mix of confusion and concern etched on his face.  Connor, Josh's younger brother, stands above me with wide eyes. Josh is standing in the entrance to the living room that faces the back of the house, a half angry, half sympathetic look on his face. I also realize that I'm on the floor next to the couch. 

"Are you okay?" Daniel asks, laughing at me.

I look from him, to Connor, and then to Josh. I slowly nod my head. Connor helps me back up onto the couch and Josh comes over and sits next to me. Connor disappears into the kitchen and Jason and Daniel get up and put their coats and shoes on. "Well, now that you are home and she's awake, we better get going." Daniel says. They both come over, I stand up and give them each a hug goodbye. Daniel kisses the top of my head and Jason kisses my knuckles on my right hand. Once they leave I sit back down. 

"Your car's outside." Josh says. "It came early, I picked it up about an hour ago."

"What time is it?" I ask with a hoarse voice.

He checks his phone. "Ten thirty."

"Why didn't you wake me up when you got home and hour ago?" I ask.

He drops his head back and laughs. "Cause I didn't get home an hour ago, Molly. It's ten thirty at night." He laughs again when my eyes widen.

"How could you let me sleep all day?!"

"I didn't. I was home for about an hour and then Connor called me so I called Jason and he was with Daniel so they both agreed to come over and keep an eye on you. So I woke you up a little bit, you were listening to me but you weren't talking back, and I helped you into some pants and a sweatshirt, and your feet were freezing so I put socks on you too, but I carried you up here and laid you down on the couch... I just got home about fifteen minutes before you woke up." Josh explains. "And I made you a hair appointment for tomorrow." 

"A hair appointment?"

"Yeah, to get your hair cut. You've told me a couple times that you needed it cut, so I made you one for tomorrow. The same time I'm supposed to put more bleach in mine." He explains, running his fingers through his sandy blond hair. "How do you think you're going to get it cut?" He asks. I take his phone from his hand and open google and search for a picture of Emma Stone.

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