Chapter 10 (Josh's P.O.V)

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Chapter 10

Josh’s P.O.V.

In the morning, I wake up with Molly’s hand on my groin. I laugh out loud, making her stir. “What are you laughing at?” She says in a sleepy voice and buries her head into my side. I flex my hips up into her hand, making her realize where she’s touching. “Oh!” She yelps. “I’m sorry.” She says and sits up in bed on her knees, facing me.

“It’s okay, it’s not like you haven’t touched it before,” I smirk. She blushes bright red. “You should shower.” I say, for her sake, to change the subject.

She shakes her head. “You shower. I’ll take a nice bath.”

“But what if I wanted to take a bath?”

She shakes her head again and slides out of bed. “I’ll take a bath. You can pick out my clothes, though.” She walks partway up the steps. “Holy shit!” I hear her yell.

I sit up in bed. “What?”

“I’d pick out something warm, if I were you, because there’s half a foot of snow on the ground.”

“Really? But it’s only October.”

“Well, I guess that doesn’t matter.” She says smoothly and strolls into the bathroom on the other side of the basement. She doesn’t close the door. I wait until I hear the water in the bathtub stop to get out of bed. When I enter the bathroom, I see her sitting in the huge, deep bathtub, almost hidden by bubbles. I laugh and turn the water on in the separate shower that stands directly at the end of the bathtub. When it’s warm enough, I strip off the few clothes that I’m wearing, “Damn,” I hear Molly say, “You’re good lookin.” She smirks and I glance around in time to see her checking out my ass.

I step into the shower and stand under the hot water for a few minutes. I hear Molly start humming, and soon the humming changes to a quiet singing. I hurry to wash my hair and get out of the shower. Molly’s under the water when I step out. Or at least I think she is. I never know with her. When she pops her head out of the water, I’m still drying off. “Will you hand me that towel, please?” She says pointing to a large blue bath towel. When I turn back around, she’s still sitting in the water, so I hold the towel down to her. She grabs the towel and throws it to the side, only to yank me into the bathtub with her. When I come back above the water, her lips are on mine in a second. We’re sitting in the middle of the tub, my legs stretched out in front of me, and the water comes up to my chest. She kisses me again and climbs on top of me.

“No, don’t. You’re going to get me all hot and bothered—“ I begin to explain but she cuts me off.

“That was the plan.”

“Fuck.” I sit contemplating the situation for a moment. “We don’t have much time. You’re gonna take about thirty minutes. We have to leave in about fifty.”

“That leave’s twenty minutes. And I am going to have you all to myself till then.” She says, and kisses me again even harder.

A little while later, when I’m sitting upstairs waiting for Molly, my phone rings. I check the caller I.D. It’s Daniel.

“I have your tux.” He says when I answer it.

“Okay, good. Just bring it today. Molly should be ready in a few minutes, then we’ll be on our way.”

“Okay. Your Tahoe is in your driveway. I put the keys through the mail slot in the front door. I want you to drive it, not her bug.” Daniel explains to me.

“Thank you, Dad.” I smirk.

“You’re welcome. I’ll see you in a little bit.” He says and hangs up the phone.

This Lavish Love Story (A Josh Hutcherson Love Story.)Where stories live. Discover now