Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We arrive at the mall just before noon and I park what seems like a mile away from the large glass doors. Josh slides on his dark sunglasses as I shut off my new Beetle. He looks at me and even though I can't see his eyes through the glasses, I know he's nervous by the way the rest of his features look. His lips set in a hard line, his fingers curled softly in towards his palms, and his right leg bouncing up and down like he has to use the bathroom.

"Baby, everythings gonna be alright." I tell him

"I know, I just get nervous."

"About what, exactly?"

He shrugs his shoulders and stays quiet for a minute. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something life changing, but just sighs and looks at me again. "I don't know for sure. Let's just go in." and before I can say anything else, he's out of the car.

He's standing a few feet away from the end of my car when I get out. I decide to try and lighten his mood some. 

I stop and look around, "Where did he go?" I say aloud. Looking around a few more times and pretend to have just spotted someone I didn't know. I walk over so I'm standing in front of him. "Excuse me, did you see where the boy who got out of my car went?" I ask him.

He moves his glasses so I can see his eyes. "He's right here." He says quietly and gives me a small smile.

"Oh! There you are! You had me so worried!" I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him hard. "I didn't even recignize you." I tell him. He kisses me softly and I let go from around his neck and grab his hands.

"I wish people knew," He says quietly, "I hate hiding us from everyone."

"We could always tell people. Or let people find out." I whisper back.

He sighs and just kisses me. "We better get inside before all the stores close. We've been out here forever, anyway, and people are going to think we're creepers."

"That's funny because we are creepers," I laugh and let go of one of his hands and start walking towards the door.

"I like this one." Josh says holding up the hem of a red dress. He picks the hanger off the rack and hands it to me.

"Mm hmm... It's pretty. Should I try it on?" I ask him.

"Of course you should. It's not going to do you any good if it doesn't fit." he answers. I switch it with an identical dress in my size, and turn and walk toward the shoe department of the large Macy's we entered about a half hour ago. 

I turned to him once we were in the women's section of shoes and asked him, "You choose. Heels, boots, flats, sandals. Tell me what kind and I'll find three or four pairs that would match the dress, and we'll go from there."

"Uhmm.... Heels. Tall ones."

"Good choice, babe. Wait here." I tell him.


I pick out three different pairs of black high heels that I know will match with the dress and whatever accesories I pick out easily, and walk back to him. He's sitting patiently waiting for me, but still nervously boncing his leg up and down.

"Pick your fave." I say holding out the shoes. He points to the second pair I'm holding in my left hand. A simple pair of soft, black, pumps. 

"Now go try everything on, then we go home so I can have you to myself."

"Okay. But you have to make sure it looks good on me first." I tell him.

"Sure." He agrees. I hurry to the dressing room and walk into the first empty stall and quickly change into the dress. It fits, step one, complete. It comes to just above my knees and I just now realize that it's strapless. I sit down on the floor and slide my feet in the shoes. Standing back up I take a look in the mirrior in the changing room stall. The dress fits me well and the shoes make my legs look much longer and toned than they really are. All in the same, I am very pleased with what Josh has picked out for me.

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