Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When I arrive at school the next day, I park in the student parking lot and walk inside. When I don’t hear the usual commotion of the other students chatting, I look up from my phone and realize that most of them are looking at me. I’m wearing a normal outfit. Jeans, a white t-shirt, a royal blue cardigan, a pair of grey vans, my usual necklace, a small arrow shaped ring that I bought a while back, and carrying a black leather backpack. ( I disclose the fact that it’s because I look stupid right away because when Alissa walks up to me and hands me a magazine, I know that’s not the reason.

“You look good in red.” She says. When I don’t say anything back,  just stand there looking at her, she continues. “You could have just told me that this was where you were going. But no. You decide to blow me off, lie to me, and then I hear that you have a boyfriend that I didn’t know about?” She says and I can hear the anger rising in her throat. She steps closer to me and opens her mouth to speak again but stops, shakes her head, and raises her hand. I realize what she’s doing two seconds too late, because when her hand glides swiftly across my cheek, the pain registers immediately, making me lose my balance and fall to the ground, landing on my butt. “Maybe you’ll learn with time.” She says and turns to walk away.

She doesn’t get more than a half a step from me when my foot reacts before my mind does and I kick her feet right out from under her, making her fall to the ground with me. I quickly move and find myself astride her thighs pinning her down. “Get the fuck off of me, Molly.” She yells.********

“No. You listen to me, now. I promised Josh that I wouldn’t tell anyone about him the day we met. I kept that promise. I've been with him for a while, too, because I was able to keep it. You want to know what happened this past week? I’ll tell you. We were followed home from the mall. A day later a creepy ass guy came over and hit us with a bribe, saying that if we let him leak a picture he caught of us, that he would keep everything else a secret. He showed the picture, nothing else. Not my name, not Josh’s address, nothing. But people are starting to find out about us because of him, and surprisingly, I’m okay with all of it. I haven’t gotten any hate yet. But I’m going to say this once. Loud and clear. Stay out of my relationship, you’re supposed to be my friend, but I guess jealousy got the best of you already, and honestly, its bitches like you that I don’t need to have around. So if you’re going to keep it up, just stay away from me and my boyfriend.” It’s when I finish saying this that I notice everyone is stopped and looking at us. Even a few teachers. One of the teachers, my English teacher from freshman year, Mr. Ravlin, walks toward Alissa and I, who are still on the floor.

“Everyone, get to class. Molly, can you come with me?” He says and surprisingly holds out his hand to help me up off the ground. I take it and he pulls me to my feet off of Alissa. When we’re in his classroom he shuts the door behind us. This is his free period, so the room is empty. “You want to tell me what that was about?” He says and takes his seat behind his desk.

“Not really that much to say about it.” I say and take a seat in one of the desks closest to his. “She needs to get her shit together.If friends keep secrets, it's for a reason.” I tell him.

“You’re right. And I was able to hear your whole speech to her. I give you props.” He says and lets out a small laugh.

“Why? You’re a teacher; you’re not supposed to encourage fighting.”

“And I don’t,” He says, reaching into a mini fridge under his desk, pulling out a can of soda, and giving it to me. “For your cheek,” He explains and I put the cold soda can against my face. It sooths the pain right away. “Don’t tell anybody this, but I think you did the right thing, telling her off like that.”

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