Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 (Josh's POV)

In the morning, Daniel wakes me up. I kick the covers off me and sit up. "We have to leave in a little under an hour," He says. I rub my eyes in attempt to wake up a little more.

"Alright, I'll get a shower." I yawn.

"Good," He sighs. "Now cover that up," He says and gestures toward Molly.

I twist around to look at her. She's wearing my polo from last night. Only my polo from last night. And when I kicked the blankets off me, it exposed her naked butt to the room. I pull the sheet back over her as Daniel walks away from the doorway. She's sound asleep. I make my way into the bathroom and take a quick shower.

When I get back to the bedroom, Molly still hasn't moved. I can hear her breathing, though. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white, linen, button up dress shirt that I tuck into my jeans. "Wear your suit jacket over that," Molly says in a sleepy voice.

I look over at her. She's in the same position as before only her head is turned toward me. "Good morning," I smile. "Are you sure my jacket wouldn't look stupid?"

"No. It'll look hot. Trust me. Can you get me my leggings from my bag, please?"

I walk into the closet and grab both my suit jacket and her pair of black leggings. She's sitting up in bed when I get back out to the main part of the bedroom--peering over the side of the bed. "What are you looking for?" I ask and hand her the leggings.

"My bra." She says, kicking the covers off her then standing up and putting the leggings on without any panties.

"Did you wear one last night?" I ask.

She snorts. "Of course I did." She drops to the floor and looks under the bed.

"It's over here." I laugh and point to the side of the bed that I slept on. "You should shower anyway, so I don't know why you're looking for it."

She shrugs her shoulders and picks it up off the floor. "What should I wear?" She asks.

"I dunno. Just look nice, I guess."

"Nice as in dress up nice, or cute nice?"

"Cute nice." She sighs and heads into the bathroom. I get my hair stuff out of her make-up bag and go into the bathroom after her. She only takes about a ten minute shower.

She's drying off her legs when she perks up a little bit. "I'm not feeling the underwear thing today."


"I don't think I'm gonna wear any." She smiles.

"Why not?" I ask. "I'm interested. What made you make this decision?"

"Well, I'm gonna wear a pair of tight jeans and then if I do that, I gotta wear a thong."

"Why do you have to wear a thong?"

"Depending on the pair of jeans I wear, you'll be able to see my panty lines through them. So you wear a thong."


"So I'm thinking, instead of wasting a pair of clean underwear, why not just go without?" She smirks.

I shrug my shoulders and finish my hair. "I guess you're right." She respods to this by pulling her jeans on without any panties. She has to wiggle a little bit to get them on all the way before buttoning them. I wash my hands and she has me buckle her bra behind her back.

She slips a pure white tank top on and then a gray and green striped shirt. I continue to watch her as she takes the towel off her head and combs through her hair with her fingers. She smiles at me when she sees me watching her. "What are you looking at me like that for?" She asks in a sweet voice.

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