Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

To my surprise, at the rehearsal dinner, there is actually food. I max out on chicken once again. Not surprised. White wine is given out after the food while everyone stands around talking and laughing. There are only about twenty people here, so no one is left alone.

I use my age as an excuse for not drinking any wine.

It's ten at night before everyone leaves and Josh and I head out to the car. We're almost to the doors when Jason, Daniel, Cody, and Jennifer step in front of us. No real explanation is given and Josh and I are shoved into an elevator with them.

Everything is fine. I assume they're taking us to our hotel room for tomorrow where we're supposed to get ready, until Jason and Daniel stop and push Josh into a room, shutting the door between us. I'm shoved into the next door down. "What's going on?" I ask.

Jennifer drops a back pack on the bed. "You're staying here tonight."


"Because." She says. Cody leaves. I hear some yelling in the next room but then feet in the hall and then silence.

"Where are they going?"

Jen shrugs her shoulders. "Bachelor party."

"So they all get to go out and have fun all night, but I have to stay huddled up in here." I say.

She nods her head but dumps the contense of a duffle bag onto the bed. A change of clothes for her, candy, popcorn, several movies, soda, and nail polish. "We'll have fun." She says simply, popping the cork on a bottle of red wine she pulled from the fridge.

"I can't drink that," I tell her.

"I'm not going to tell anybody if you don't." She laughs.

"No, I mean, I can't"

"And why can't you?" She asks with a disappointed look.

"Because." I sigh and rest my hand on my stomach.

She gives me a weird look for a second, then her jaw drops. "Are you pregnant?"

I nod my head.

"OH MY GOD!" She screams. "Good or bad?"

"Good. Very good." I say.

"Does Josh know?" She asks, excited. I nod my head. "Was he excited? Did he cry?"

"I don't think he cried, but he's very happy about it. He'd been trying to convince me for a while."

She hugs me tightly and then goes into the bathroom to change her clothes. I find a pair of leggings and a t-shirt in the backpack she dropped on the bed and quickly change.

I fall asleep around two thirty. The boys aren't back yet, but I wake up in the middle of the night. Cody is laying next to me. He smells like beer and vanilla. Strippers. I don't know if he's sleeping or not. I try to get back to sleep, but it's interrupted by someone knocking on the wall. After a few seconds, it happens again. I sit up and look at the wall that it's coming from. I know by the softer knocks that come the third time around that it's Josh. Three more knocks with a couple seconds in between. He's saying 'I love you.' I reach up and knock on the wall just the same way. He doesn't knock again.

In the morning, I wake up with Cody still in my bed. I look at the clock and force myself to go back to sleep.

Later, it's him that rubs my arm to wake me up though. "Big, big, big day, Molly baby." He says. I force my eyes open. Cody smiles at me. "Did you sleep well?" He asks.

I look at him for a second, then nod my head. "Get up, there's food." He says. I sit up and force a smile at him. He pushes the room service cart over to me. I eat a little bit, but as soon as I bite into a piece of bacon, I'm hunched over the garbage bin by my hotel bed, losing everything I've eaten in the last... about ten hours.

This Lavish Love Story (A Josh Hutcherson Love Story.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang