Chapter 15 (Josh's Point of View)

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Chapter 15. Josh's POV.

I ride in the back seat of the Cadillac with Molly downtown. Her hands are sweaty, but I don't know if it's because she's nervous about something, or if she's excited, or if it's just because it's warm in the car. Jason, who sits in the passenger seat, turns to Daniel and starts speaking in a different language. Molly turns to me and gives me an odd look. I shrug my shoulders. She listens to them for a moment. "Are they speaking Dutch?" She asks. 

Before I can answer, Daniel cuts in, still speaking in the language. "Nein, Molly. Wir sprechen Deutsch." He says. 

"What did he just say?" She asks me. "I heard him say my name."

"I said: 'No, Molly. We're speaking German.'" Daniel says. "Our parents were German. We've been speaking it as long as we've been speaking English."

"Well as long as you guys aren't talking shit about me, I don't care." Molly says.

"We won't." Jason says and then continues the conversation. I listen for any familiar words. "Jemand brach das Fenster auf Joshs Auto."

"Hast du ihm gesagt?"

"Ja. Er hat nur gefragt, ob Molly war okay. " Jason says and looks back at both Molly and me.

"Und danach?"

"Ich sagte ihm, dass ich das Fenster zu ersetzen, aber er weigerte sich, mir zu lassen." After Jason mumbles that, I'm too confused to continue listening.

I look back over at Molly. By the way she's looking at me, I can tell she's ready for bed. I check the time on my phone. 9:37. It's not that late so I don't know why she's tired. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders and closes her eyes.

"She alright?" Jason asks, turning in his seat to look at us.

"She's a little warm," I begin but Molly cuts me off.

"I'm freezing." She says. Her eyes never open.

"She's got a small fever." I mouth to him.

"How can you tell?" He asks. I lift our hands up and give them a slight shake.

"Oooh." Jason says. "We'll be on extra watch. Don't worry." This does reassure me, but doesn't make me feel a whole lot better. 

"That reminds me. We need to stop at a store or something."

"What for?" Daniel asks. "There's one up ahead but it's going to be busy with the parade and everything. One of us can go in for you."

"Hahaha. I need condoms. There was a little bit of a problem with the last ones." I say.

"A problem?" Jason asks.

"Lets just say... they were defective."

"Just so you two know, we're security guards, not babysitters." Daniel says.

"I'm not pregnant." Molly says. "We caught it in time."

"Are you positive?" I ask her.

"Please, no baby talk in the car." Jason says.

"I thought about it for a little while, but I'm not positive. I have to check when we get home." She explains.

"Check what?" I ask, but she ignores my question.

"I'll buy condoms, but I am not getting a pregnancy test." Jason says. Daniel agrees.

"Ew, I can buy my own if I need to, but I don't, so..."

"Molly, can I have your iPod?" Jason asks. She hands it to him and he plugs it into the adapter.

I turn to Molly even though her eyes are still closed. "It's funny how much they cringe when they hear about our sex life." I tell her.

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