Chapter 5. Josh's Point of View

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Chapter 5

Josh's P.O.V.

I wake up to a sharp pain in my left forearm. My eyes shoot open and move right to the spot where the pain is coming from. It's Molly. She's snuggled safely around me. She's laying on her side, one of her legs wrapped around one of mine, her hand hooked on the waist band of my underwear at my hip, her other hand gripping onto my arm and her fingernails digging into my skin. She must be dreaming. I glance over at the clock. 8:47 A.M. I'm still exhausted from my long birthday yesterday. It was the best time I've had in a long time. It took absolutely everything out of me, but it was worth it. I shift so I'm laying on my side. She falls onto her back and her grip on my arm loosens. You can hear a low groan come from the back of her throat, but she doesn't wake, she just buries her face in my chest and sighs in her sleep. Her fingers pull on the waistband of my underwear and she stirs. I pretend to be fast asleep. She moves around a bit, seemingly taking in her surroundings before snuggling even closer into me and plopping her head down on my upper arm. Soon, I hear her breathing get heavier and I know she's back asleep. I shake her grip from my arm and uncurl her fingers from her grip from my underwear. Kissing her forehead, I slide out of bed and grab a pair of shorts from my drawer. After I finish in the bathroom, I head to the kitchen. As I pass through the doorway I hear a knock at the door. I check the clock on my way to go answer it. 9:16 A.M. I swing the door open and am faced with Molly's friend Courtney. "Hi," I greet her.

She just gapes at me. I look down and realize that I'm still only in my shorts. After I gesture her in I walk back to my bedroom. Molly's still fast asleep. I pull on my Mockingjay t-shirt, it's her favorite, I think before I change my shorts to jeans. I walk back out to the living room where I find Courtney's standing patiently. "Uhm, Molly's still sleeping. But you can make yourself at home." I say to her as I make my way back into the kitchen.

"Actually, can I go wake her up?" She asks me tentatively.

I think about this for a moment and then I remember about the jeweler.

"Well, I think we should just let her sleep, but I got something made for her and I need to go pick it up. You can come with if you want." He eyes widen and I laugh. "You'll like this even better, I'll get something for you too if you want." Her jaw drops and she bounces a little on her toes excitedly.

"Okay! But wait, where are we going?"

"Shhhh...."  I say and put my finger over my lips in a hushing gesture. "Go get in her car, I'll be out in a minute," She turns on her heel and is out the door. After writing Molly a note letting her know that I took her car, I'd be back soon, and that I loved her, I head out to the car and drive into town with Courtney in the passenger seat. "What's Molly's favorite thing?" I ask Courtney to break the silence.

"Well counting you or not?"

"Not." I smile.

"Or The Hunger Games?"

"Other than that, too."

"Probably.... Water?"

"Yes. So guess what I got her." 

"Oh, no, I'll wait. I want to be surprised too."

"Well, we're here anyway." I say as I pull into the parking lot of the local jewelry store. We walk inside and I go right to the counter to a middle aged man.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

I turn to Courtney, "Go look around," I whisper and she does what I say. I turn back to the man. "Uhmm, I ordered a custom ring here, I got a call a couple days ago saying I could come pick it up and pay for it. I'd like to do that now."

"Sure, sure." He nods, "Can I have your last name, please?"

"Hutcherson." I say quickly, trying to keep my nervousness under control.

"Be right back." He smiles at me. I turn to look for Courtney. Shes standing a few feet away looking at an earring display. I walk over to her. "See anything you like?"

"A few things," She says looking me up and down. I have to hold back the urge to laugh. "I really like those." She says pointing to a pair of stud earrings with some kind of stone that looks like a diamond, but I know better when I check the price tag. 

"They're only fifty bucks. Want them? I told you I'd get you something."

"Oh, no, you don't have to get me anything." She says quickly and I can tell she's just trying to be nice. Without arguing with her, I pick them up off the shelf, close the small box they come in, and walk back to the counter where the man from before is filling out some paperwork.

"Any specific color box you'd like the ring in, uhhh," he says looking back at the papers, "Joshua?" He asks. I think of her dress for later tonight.

"Red, if you have it." He disappears under the counter for a few seconds before reappearing with two different sized red boxes that look to match the color of her dress exactly.

"There's this one which will hold just the ring, and then we have a bigger one that will hold the ring and a pair of earrings... if you choose to purchase any."

"I'll just have the smaller ones, but I would like these too," I say as I place the pair of earrings Courtney said she liked. He gives me an odd look and I give him one right back. He blushes.

"What color box for these, sir?"

"Black should be fine." 

"Sure thing, would you like to see your ring?" He asks me.

"Please," I answer. 

He pushes the papers toward me. "Sign here, please." He points to a signature line and then disappears into the back of the shop. When He reappears he's holding a small card board box. He switches the contents to the little red box, and then does the same to the earrings with the black box. When I hand the papers and my credit card to him he hands me the two boxes. I open up the red box when he swipes my card. In the box sits the ring I had custom made for Molly. Her favorite fish, a blow-fish, with diamond scales and black marble looking jewels for eyes. She'll love it, I think. 

I meet Courtney at the front door where she's looking at necklaces.

"Time to go," I say to get her attention as I walk out the doorway. She quickly follows, and when we're in the car I hand her the two boxes. "The red one's what I got Molly, the black one's for you." I explain. She opens up the box containing her earrings first and lets out a big sigh and her eyes widen again.

"I told you, you didn't have to get me anything." She says, still gazing at the earrings.

"Oh, stop playing the nice game. I know you wanted them and I'm happy to get them for you, now, look in the red one..."

She opens the box and her eyes widen even further.

"Now I get the whole thing with water! Aww... A blow-fish!" She almost shouts. "Oh my god, she'll love this!" She says as I start the car and pull out of the parking spot. (

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