Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The first thing I do when I get home, is dive into bed. I can hear Josh talking to the pets upstairs in a very happy voice, asking them: "Did you guys miss me?!"

This makes me smile. "Where's Molly?!" I hear him ask, then Tate's footsteps across the hardwood floor and making their way down the steps. Josh walks slowly behind her, carrying Posy. He sets her on the bed and she prances toward me.

"Hi, baby." I say. She sniffs me a little bit and then licks my nose.

"Happy to be home, bug?" Josh whispers, leaning down to kiss me.

"I should be asking you that question." I smile.

"Hell yeah, I'm happy to be home." He says and walks into the closet. He walks back out wearing a sweat shirt and a pair of the Nike shorts I bought him for Christmas. "Did you call Courtney and tell her we were home?" He asks.

"No. That's why I had you park in the garage so when she got back here later, we could surprise her." Posy crawls up onto me and curls up on my back. Josh runs his hand over her.

"Where was she sleeping?" He asks me.

I shrug my shouldres. "I'm assuming on the couch since the bed is just like I left it."


"You don't want her to sleep in our bed?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Hell no."

I give him a weird look. "Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Molly!" He almost shouts. "We have sex in this bed like every other day!"

"I wash the sheets once a week," I say.

"Have you washed them since we last did anything?" He asks. I think for a minute and then shake my head.

"No, I didn't."

"Hmm. See. And, either way, I have a thing about other people sleeping in my bed."

"Where are our suitcases?" I ask.

"Upstairs." He says. "I'll go them."

He runs up the stairs, Tate quickly following him.

A few minutes later he's back. Struggling, but carrying all three suit cases at once. I hurry over and take one from him, setting it on the ground, as he drops the other two on the carpet. "You couldn't take two trips?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I made it in one, didn't I?" Josh laughs.

I shrug my shoulders and take two of the suitcases to the bed. Posy is recovering from when I got up, throwing her from me. I sit on the bed next to her and unzip the suitcases. Josh brings the third over and unzips it for me, setting it with the others. I start going through them. Josh takes my make-up bag and disapears into the bathroom. I make two piles. Dirty clothes, and clothes that weren't worn. I throw the dirty ones on the floor and keep the clean ones on the bed.

By the time I've gone through one suit case, Josh comes back out of the bathroom. "I hope I put all your stuff in the right place." He says. "Are these the clothes that need put away?" He asks. I nod my head. He climbs on the bed and sits next to me then starts re-folding the clothes in the pile.

When I finish sorting them out, I help him fold them and then we both put our own away, then head upstairs. "Are you hungry?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "Not right now."

"Okay. When do you have that thing for work?" He asks.

I assume he's talking about when I have to go the the ware house for my TOMS shoot. "Friday." I answer. He looks confused.

This Lavish Love Story (A Josh Hutcherson Love Story.)Where stories live. Discover now